Worked All Europe DX Contest - English Version - DARC
Many leading contesters claim the WAEDC to be the most challenging contest of the year. Being a true blue DX contest, only intercontinental QSOs between DX and Europe are counted (exception is the RTTY part). Therefore the number of DX QSOs here may be similar to the amount of DX usually worked in the CQWW.
WAE – Rules - DARC
2024年1月20日 · 12 Special Rules for RTTY. In the RTTY portion of the WAEDC there are no continental limits; everybody can work everybody. Only QTC traffic must be performed between different continents. Every station may send and receive QTCs. The sum of QTCs exchanged between two stations (sent plus received) may not exceed 10 (ten).
Operating WAE RTTY with N1MM+ - rttycontesting.com
This tutorial shows how to send and receive QTCs in the Work All Europe DX Contest (WAEDC) on RTTY mode with N1MM+ Logger. In the RTTY portion of the WAEDC, QTC traffic can be exchanged between any two stations that are on different continents to obtain additional points.
Contest Details - Contest Calendar
WAE DX Contest, RTTY : Status: Active : Geographic Focus: Worldwide : Participation: Worldwide : Mode: RTTY : Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m : Classes: Single Op (High/Low)
WAE Contest - GU0SUP
In WAE RTTY, everyone can work everyone, unlike the CW and SSB legs of this contest. A “QTC” is simply a list of ten contacts made by one or other station, showing the time, callsign worked, and the serial number exchanged.
Operating WAE RTTY with WriteLog – rttycontesting.com
WAE RTTY Strategies. There are certain strategies and situations which play important roles in WAE RTTY. The rules state you can send or receive as many as ten QTCs with any station outside your own continent. This means you could send five and receive five from the same station for a total of ten QTCs.
Setup Digital, RTTY, and PSK Contests – N1MM Logger Plus
Making QSOs in WAE RTTY: To start with, a QSO in WAE is just like a QSO in CQ WPX or SARTG, and I would suggest using a similar function-key set. The special feature of WAE is QTCs, which are reports of previous QSOs that can be exchanged for additional points.
rttycontesting.com – Dedicated to Digital Mode Contesting
NEW! 2Tone version 24.09a is now available on the 2Tone Downloads page. Excellent RTTY decoder comparison by Mark, ON4WW, on YouTube here. RTTY Message Length Calculator here.
WAE DX Contest 2024 (RTTY) で呼び回り! | Active Shack
2024年11月9日 · このコンテストは cw , ssb , rtty(ラジオテレタイプ) の3つのモードが別々の日に開催されますが、今回はrttyということで、いつになく張り切っています・・・\(^^)/。
Worked All Europe DX Contest - DARC
Die WAE-DX-Conteste stellen sich dem Europäer als anspruchsvolle DX-Conteste dar. Es zählen nur DX-Verbindungen (Ausnahme RTTY-Teil). Multiplikatoren sind dabei DXCC-Gebiete und für einige Staaten wie die USA, Kanada oder Japan die Präfix-Regionen.
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