Ninomae Ina'nis - Virtual YouTuber Wiki
Ina has various introductory phrases: "Wah!," "Good morning/afternoon/evening," and "Ina Ina ii na~." She is the fourth hololive EN member and tenth hololive member overall to join official Hololive Subreddit as a moderator. She used to have a verbal tic often written as "humu humu."
4thWAH」INA瑟瑟推特Tag?衝上趨勢讓本人傻眼 解釋為什麼不能說四次WAH…
2023年1月10日 · HololiveEN 神話組(Myth)VTuber Ninomae Ina 'nis,在休息三個月後終於回歸,和 Takodachi 分享自己休息的原因與旅遊放鬆的經歷。 然而就在 Ina 休息的這段時間,一個名為「#4thWAH」的色色 Tag 在 Twitter 上發酵,讓 Ina 回歸後想要無視都不行,因為 Tag 一度衝上熱門趨勢。 相關新聞:...
一伊那尔栖 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
一伊那尔栖 (日语: 一 伊那尓栖 ,英語: Ninomae Ina'nis ,5月20日 [1] ) 是一名VTuber、歌手和插画家,所属事务所为Hololive Production,是其英语地区部门“Hololive English”初期团体“Myth”(神话组)的成员之一 [1] 。
WAH!【Hololive Animation | Ninomae Ina'nis】 - YouTube
【Stream sources】【Pikmin 4】 For Real For Real 【#1】https://youtu.be/_3AwjmKrmY0?t=481=====【Hololive / VTuber】@NinomaeInanis =====...
Ninomae Ina'nis - Hololive Fan Wiki
2025年3月23日 · Ninomae Ina’nis is a human girl of undisclosed age, joining as part of Hololive EN’s holoMyth group. Contrary to her lovecraftian horror-esque appearance, she has gained a reputation to be the most tranquil of HoloEN bunch.
[閒聊] Ina的Wah 如果是縮寫是什麼意思 - ACG板 - Disp BBS
2022年3月23日 · WAH現在跟Ina已經離不開了 說到Ina就會想到WAH WAH是個狀聲詞 如果是縮寫的話 會是什麼意思 是we are happy嗎
【Hololive中文】 | 妈妈Nis:“INA,Wah是什么意思?” | 一觉醒来发现妈妈在看自己切片的INA【Ninomae ina ...
翻译:爭吵不想爭吵剪辑:爭吵不想爭吵时轴:爭吵不想爭吵如有翻译错误欢迎在评论区提出感激不尽。原录播链接:https://youtu.be/yoYaAVixPg8INA的油管主页:https://youtube.com/channel/UCMwGHR0BTZuLsmjY_NT5Pwg, 视频播放量 21175、弹幕量 14、点赞数 958、投硬币枚数 46、收藏 ...
Ninomae Ina'nis - The HoloCure Wiki
Ninomae Ina'nis is one of the playable characters in HoloCure - Save the Fans!. She belongs to the group HoloMyth and is available at the start of the game. Her Main Weapon is Summon Tentacle, her Special Attack is Tako Spin, and she has three other unique skills: The Forbidden Wah, The Void, and The...
INAFF回來了!2023第一組雙關語邊講邊笑 日本行與Calli上床看《 …
2023年1月9日 · 「大家準備好了嗎?我說 wah,你說 wah,wah!」ina 開場先幫大家充能,也談到 2023 沒跟大家一同擬新年新希望,反倒需要開個道歉直播…
Ina WAH Compilation - YouTube
2023年1月9日 · Sources: Almost every Ina stream + almost every collab with other holomembers that is not on her channel (please don't make me list them, there's literally very few I didn't use lol) ...more.