The workbook provides activities and exercises for language and cognitive skills development in neurologically-impaired adolescents and adults.
WALC 2 Cognitive Rehab - AliMed
WALC 2 Cognitive Rehab with 300 pages of exercises for clients who needs help with attention, memory, sequential thought, and reasoning. Easy-to-read format, with simple and concise language, consistent progression of complexity within and between tasks, and application to a wide range of acquired cognitive-language disorders.
WALC 2 : Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition - Google Books
Ages: 16-Adult Grades: 11-Adult With 300 pages of exercises, you'll use this book for almost every client who needs help with attention, memory, sequential thought, and reasoning.
Cognitive Rehab: WALC 2 Workbook of Activities for Language …
2002年1月1日 · Cognitive Rehab: WALC 2 Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition [Tomlin, Kathryn J.] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
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With 300 pages of exercises, you'll use this book for almost every client who needs help with attention, memory, sequential thought, and reasoning. Activities are organized into five skill areas: Attention and Concentration —Simple, engaging activities …
Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition (WALC) 2: …
WALC 2 Cognitive Rehab is a comprehensive workbook for adults working on attention, memory, and reasoning skills. Perfect for therapists and caregivers helping with cognitive-language disorders. FREE SHIPPING on online orders over $35!
WALC 2 Cognitive Rehab BK Kathryn J. Tomlin - PRO-ED Inc
WALC 2 Cognitive Rehab Ages: 16-Adults With 300 pages of exercises, you'll use this book for almost every client who needs help with attention, memory, sequential thought, and reasoning. Written in the best-selling format of the Wo...
WALC 2 COGNITIVE REHAB | Special Education - Learning Services
With 300 pages of exercises, you'll use this book for almost every client who needs help with attention, memory, sequential thought, and reasoning. Written in the best-selling format of the Workbook of Activities for Language and Cognition series, these activities have: Activities are organized into five skill areas:
WALC 2 Cognitive Rehab Book - Performance Health
The WALC 2 Cognitive Rehab books can be used for virtually any client who needs help with attention, memory, sequential thought and reasoning. Activities feature an easy-to-read format and have a simple and concise language use. Ideal for adults ages 16 and up. Book is softcover and has 301 pages of content.
WALC 2 was developed to provide stimulus materials to aid in the remediation of language and cognitive disorders in adolescents and adults. The items in this workbook provide a structured approach for improving specific skills in target areas, although adaptations may be necessary to meet each client’s needs.