Walles.AI is a Chrome extension powered by the ChatGPT API, designed to be your personal AI assistant for providing instant answers, website reading, quick writing of professional articles, and more.
Walles.AI - AI阅读工具,一站式解决用户对话、阅读、写作、搜索等多功能 | AI …
Walles.AI是全能AI阅读工具,集成多种AI阅读功能,包括AI聊天对话工具、AI网页阅读工具、AI浏览器智能助手、AI搜索引擎助手、AI PDF文档阅读工具及AI视频阅读工具等。用户能将聊天记录导出到Notion组织重要信息。
如何评价AI阅读工具WallesAI? - 知乎
Walles AI 是一款 All in One 的全能AI阅读工具。 简单来说,Walles AI= AI聊天对话工具 + AI网页阅读工具+AI 浏览器智能助手+ AI 搜索引擎助手+ AI PDF文档阅读工具+AI 视频阅读工具…… 更多新的AI阅读场景正在解锁中。 访问地址: https:// walles.ai/ Walles AI 的主要功能
Walles.AI - Easy With AI
Walles.AI is a browser extension that brings a powerful ChatGPT-like AI assistant to any website you visit or PDFs you upload. It conveniently opens as a sidebar, allowing you to get on-demand explanations, translations, summaries, and more.
Walles.AI - Free AI Copilot - Chrome Web Store
Free GPT AI Assistant Plugin. Supports GPT-4. Immersive translation. Answers complex questions. Comprehends long texts. Usable everywhere. Supports export to Notion. 🔥 Walles.AI as your...
Walles.AI-适用于所有网站的AI助理 - AIHub | AI导航
2023年10月31日 · Walles.AI 让你可以与任何网页、PDF 文档、YouTube 视频进行类似 ChatGPT 的对话体验。 一键处理选定文本。 选择网页上的任意文本,让 Walles.AI 基于 GPT-3.5 对其进行解释、翻译、总结等。
Walles.AI - Your AI Copilot powered by GPT-4 - Microsoft Edge …
🔥 Walles.AI as your co-pilot and can answer any complex questions in the sidebar. It can also help you write articles, read articles, summarize YouTube videos, and enhance Google search engines. Available on all websites.
Walles.AI – 下载 Firefox 扩展(zh-CN) - Mozilla
🔥 Walles.AI as your co-pilot and can answer any complex questions in the sidebar. It can also help you write articles, read articles, summarize YouTube videos, and enhance Google search engines. Available on all websites.
Weighted Alternating Least Squares (WALS) - AI Wiki
Weighted Alternating Least Squares (WALS) is a widely-used optimization algorithm employed in the field of machine learning. It is particularly popular for addressing the matrix factorization problem, which is often used in collaborative filtering and recommendation systems.
2024年7月24日 · WALSModel接口实现一个加权矩阵分解(WALS)模型,并用该模型实现基于电影评分的推荐系统。实例描述有一个电影评分数据集,里面包含用户、电影、评分、时间字段。