溫兆倫 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
溫兆倫(本名溫兆麟,暱稱溫Sir,英語: Deric Wan Siu-lun ,1964年11月18日 — )香港 男歌手及演員,無綫1980年代末到1990年代中期的當家小生。 他出演電視劇《 義不容情 》丁有康一角及《 我本善良 》齊浩男一角最為人熟悉,現轉往 中國大陸 發展演藝事業,淡出 ...
Deric Wan - Wikipedia
Deric Wan Siu-lun (born 18 November 1964) is a Hong Kong actor, [3] singer, and songwriter who has starred in numerous television series and released several studio albums. His representative works include a duet with Nadia Chan , a cover of the song Yat sang ho kau (一生何求), a villainous role in the film So Close and in TVB series such ...
Deric Wan (溫兆倫) - MyDramaList
Wan Siu Lun (English name: Deric) is a well-known Hong Kong actor, singer, and songwriter who has performed in many TV series and released several music albums. His representative works include a duet with Nadia Chan, a cover of the song Yat sang ho kau (一生何求), a villanous role in the movie So Close and TVB series such as Looking Back ...
Deric Wan Siu-Lun (溫兆倫) - 從未試過擁有 (CANTONESE) - YouTube
PLEASE RATE AND SUBSCRIBE!!Deric Wan Siu-Lun is a Hong Kong actor, singer and songwriter who has acted in many movies and TV series and released several musi...
59-year-old Hong Kong actor Deric Wan spotted in business class
2024年9月16日 · Deric Wan Siu-lun, a prominent figure in Hong Kong entertainment since his debut in the 1980s, continues to capture attention as he approaches his 60th birthday.
温兆伦 — The Movie Database (TMDB)
Deric Wan Siu-Lun (born 18 November 1964) is a Hong Kong actor, singer, and songwriter who has starred in numerous television series and released several studio albums.
尹兆麟醫生 Dr. Wan Siu Lun - 醫德網
尹兆麟醫生 Dr. Wan Siu Lun;註冊專科:西醫、普通科;地址:九龍鑽石山龍蟠苑商場202B號舖;電話:23213121
尹兆麟醫生 Dr WAN SIU LUN 普通科-尋醫報告 睇醫生網
尹兆麟醫生, Dr WAN SIU LUN 普通科醫生; 電話:23213121;地址:;尋醫報告評分、Whatsapp 即時預約、相關信箱答問、醫生文章及影片視頻。 SeeDoctor 睇醫生醫療資訊網 登入 | 註冊 | 简体中文
温兆伦 Siu-Lun Wan - 豆瓣
温兆伦(DericWan,1964年11月-),生于香港九龙,祖籍广东省中山市,香港著名影视歌三栖明星。 多次被评为最受欢迎男歌手奖。 温兆伦由小到大也是唱歌发烧友,他受他几个舅父影响喜欢唱歌,从在中学时代已开始参加些歌唱比赛并曾取过冠军、亚军等。 1982年,为了考验他自己的实力,参加了香港电台主办之第二届城市民歌创作比赛及商业电台一个歌唱比赛均名落孙山。 同年参加无线电视举办的第一届新秀歌唱大赛入围三十名,可惜最终未能入选十五名。 1982 …
温兆伦 Siu-Lun Wan的全部作品(112) - 豆瓣电影
李兆华 Siu-Wah Lee 主演: 温兆伦 Siu-Lun Wan / 邵美琪 Maggie Siu / 黎美娴 Kitty Lai / 曾江 Kenneth...