The Toddler | Disney Wiki | Fandom
"The Toddler" is the second half of the fourteenth episode of Wander Over Yonder. In a shopping mall planet, Wander and Sylvia are looking at the mall directory. Sylvia's stomach growls and decides to get a couple of pretzels. As soon as she gets the pretzels, she notices that Wander is …
星际漫步 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
《星际漫步》 (英语: Wander over Yonder)是 DTA 旗下原创动画。 这是脍炙人口的动画《飞天小女警》主创克雷格·麦克拉根加盟DTA后的第一部作品。 2013年于Disney频道首播,2014年推出第二季,2016年主创确认系列被腰斩。 “星际漫步”这个译名来自本片的西班牙语译名Galaxia Wander,直译的话应该是“在遥远的星系漫步”。 很久以前,在遥远的宇宙,有一个小小的星系,那里有很多小小的星球和有趣的居民。 但是有一天,一个叫仇恨大帝的大反派入侵了这里,谁 …
List of planets/Season 1 | Wander Over Yonder Wiki | Fandom
The planet was violet, showing an island featuring a large coconut tree and a beach. The other planets have varied appearances. The planet's originally covered with grass, if you see the planet closely you will see any components of a statue which was isolated, also you will recognize the Temple of Backalakabingbong which is placed nothernwards ...
The Toddler | Wander Over Yonder Wiki | Fandom
While shopping at the mall, Wander runs into Huckleberry Knucklehead, a giant baby who's lost his parents. Wander and Sylvia attempt to take Huckleberry to Mall Security so they can return him to them, but Wander's fun time with him keeps getting in the way.
Home | Wander Over Yonder Clothing Company
Come on in and see what we’ve got for you! Our fashions range from the traditional to the ultra-modern, so there’s something for everyone to appreciate. Conservative or fashion-forward, you can find great fashions that fit your lifestyle and make you feel comfortable and happy.
The Toddler/Gallery | Wander Over Yonder Wiki | Fandom
While shopping at the mall, Wander runs into Huckleberry Knucklehead, a giant baby who's lost his parents. Wander and Sylvia attempt to take Huckleberry to Mall Security so they can return him to them, but Wander's fun time with him keeps getting in the way. To return to the episode summary for "The Toddler", click here.
【星际漫步】第二季双语字幕 画风怪诞而精致 看动漫学英语_哔哩 …
【星际漫步】第二季双语字幕 画风怪诞而精致 看动漫学英语共计15条视频,包括:星际漫步.Wander.Over.Yonder.S02E01、星际漫步.Wander.Over.Yonder.S02E02、星际漫步.Wander.Over.Yonder.S02E04等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
宇宙小奇兵 | 迪士尼Wiki | Fandom
宇宙小奇兵 ( 英文 : Wander Over Yonder ) 是一部在迪士尼頻道和迪士尼 XD 播出的美國動畫電視連續劇。 由克雷格·麥克拉肯 (Craig McCracken) 創作,講述了樂觀的漫遊者 (漫遊) 的冒險經歷,他騎馬穿越銀河系,幫助不同星球上的居民自由生活,儘管仇恨勳爵的意圖是統 ...
宇宙小奇兵 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
《宇宙小奇兵》(英語: Wander Over Yonder )是一部在Disney Channel以及Disney XD播映的美國動畫系列。原版第一季於2013年8月16日至2014年12月4日在Disney Channel播映,第二季則於2015年8月3日至2016年6月27日在Disney XD播映。
Mall - Wander Over Yonder Wiki
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