倪培 - 百度百科
现任 南京大学地球科学与工程学院 副院长 (主管科研),内生金属成矿机制研究 国家重点实验室 副主任,地质流体研究所所长。 [1] 2024年1月,经国际矿物学学会新矿物命名与分类专业委员会(IMA-CNMNC)评审投票,由中国地质调查局天津地质调查中心曲凯课题组联合国际研究小组申请的新矿物获得正式批准,该矿物以南京大学地球科学与工程学院倪培教授的名字命名为倪培石,致敬他长期以来在钨、锡多金属以及稀有、稀土矿床研究领域的卓越成就。 [2]
Pei NI | Nanjing University, Nanjing | NJU | Research profile
Pei Ni Halite and other evaporates are rarely observed to degrade via brittle faulting because of their ductile properties. Hydrocarbons resulting from fractures and faults are rarely found...
Wang Pei - Google Scholar
Wang Pei. Principal Scientist, Assistant Professor. ... CG Wang, J Yeo, JJC Lee, NEB Surat'man, YL Tan, H Liu, ... Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 2023. 71: ... Ambient pressure fabrication of Ni-free high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel using laser powder bed fusion method. B Cheng, F Wei, WH Teh, JJ Lee, TL Meng, KB Lau, LT Chew ...
地球科学与工程学院 - NJU
Pei Ni's research works | Nanjing University, Nanjing (NJU) and …
Pei Ni's 67 research works with 695 citations and 12,491 reads, including: Tracing metal source of copper-rich tungsten mineralization: Evidence from individual fluid inclusion...
Wang Pei - en.physics.ustc.edu.cn
Wang Pei, is a Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at the Department of Optics and Optical Engineering, School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).
倪培 - 百度学术
2021 - Rucheng Wang,Pei Ni,Xiao-Lei Wang - 《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》 - 被引量: 0
PEI-NI WANG - Behance
PEI-NI WANG on Behance. Art Director & Senior UI UX Designer. 國泰世紀產物保險有限公司
Pei Ni Wang - Senior UIUX Designer - 國泰世紀產物保險公司
Pei Ni Wang說讚 【 Dtto 日本辦公室開箱! 】 Dcard 在 2021 年進入日本市場後,打造了 Dtto ,服務東京十二所學校 的大學生用戶,讓使用者能夠分享大學生活的大小事 ⭐ 很開心 Dtto…
- 职位: 國泰世紀產物保險公司 Senior …
- 位置: 國泰世紀產物保險公司
Pei Ni (0000-0002-2107-5082) - ORCID
Pei Ni An infrared microthermometric study of fluid inclusions in coexisting quartz and wolframite from Late Mesozoic tungsten deposits in the Gannan metallogenic belt, South China Ore Geology Reviews
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