want/tell/ask+人+to doの意味の違いと使い方を例文で解説! | 基 …
2020年5月20日 · 行為をしてほしい対象となる人(me)をおく場所が、wantとtoの間になることも使い方のポイントです。 <例文> I want him to keep our promise. (私は彼に私たちの約束を守ってほしい。 ) I want her to sing a song. (私は彼女に歌を歌ってほしい。 …
與使役動詞很像但用法不同的「tell/ask/want」用法 - 空中美語部 …
當你想用比較情強硬的口吻「要求」或「命令」他人去做某事時,英文可以用這三個動詞「tell / ask / want」,使用時要注意一下你與對方的輩分、上下關係唷,不然會讓人覺得你很沒禮貌唷!
还在说 “I want to know...”?换一个礼貌方式提问,形象马上加分
换一个礼貌方式提问,形象马上加分. 如果用“Hey XXX, I want to know...” 如何询问信息? 1. Could you tell me ...? 能不能告诉我...? 2. I’d like some information about ... 我想知道一些关于...的资讯. 1. Would you share more information about ... 你可以分享更多关于....的资讯吗? 2. There's something else I'd like to know ... 1. As far as I know,... 据我所知,.... 2. Well, in confidence, I …
How to Make Polite Requests and Ask Questions
2025年2月9日 · In this lesson, we’re going to learn how to make polite requests and ask questions in English. Whether you need help with a task, are looking for directions, or simply need information, knowing how to ask the right way can make a big difference. We will explore 52 common ways to ask for favors, help, and information. 1.
英文里面,如何正确使用ask - 知乎
这里有8种情况关于ask的使用: 1. 要求你想收到的物品Ask (Someone) For + Object. · I asked the teacher for a pencil. 我跟老师要了一支铅笔。 · I asked her for a glass of water. 我跟她要了一杯水。 · My son asked for a video game for Christmas. 我儿子要了一个电子游戏作为圣诞节(礼物)。 你也可以跟某人要某件无形的东西. · I asked the teacher for some help with the homework. 我向老师寻求家庭作业的帮助。 · I’m going to ask my sister for advice.
want/ask sb. to do ... 句型结构分析语法讲解:句子成分、什么句型句法,怎么用什么意思,want,ask…
记忆方法一: 联想方式:want-万台 记忆方法:我想要万台电脑。 ask相关单词意思与记忆法: ask单词意思解释释义: vi. 问, 要求vt. 问, 要求, 邀请, 需要【经】 讨价相关词组: to ask for trouble to ask after... to ask for sth to ask sb for sth to ask for... to ask for it ask单词记忆法:
want - 搜索 词典
(语带指责)你在这里干什么;你要我干什么 used to ask sb in a rude or angry way why they are there or what they want you to do
ask sb to do sth 和 ask sb doing sth哪个正确? - 百度知道
1、I've come to ask you to do me a favour. 我来这儿是想请你帮个忙。 2、Don't ask me to do impossible things. 别叫我做办不到的事。 3、It is not in reason to ask him to do such a job. 让他去从事这种工作是不合常情的。 4、Is this what they ask you to do? 这些是他们要你去做的吗? 5、I couldn't ask you to do that. that's too much. 我不能要你怎么做,那太麻烦你了。 ask sth.问..... 1.Learn to ask the closing questions.
formality - formal way of saying "I want to" - English Language
Actually, I want to know is perfectly valid. If it’s politeness you’re trying to achieve, you could say I would like to know. This transforms what might have been interpreted as a demand into a request. An alternative word would be enquire, such as in I would like to enquire.
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