War Angel (Alt-Power Wards Taylor, Sentient Power)
2017年6月17日 · Angel remained perfectly still and silent the whole way. Before they got out, Miss Militia opened the glove box and withdrew a spare mask for Taylor. It was a plain black domino mask, but it served the purpose of protecting her identity well enough. Angel saw the mask, and produced one of his own just like it.
War Angel (Alt-Power Wards Taylor, Sentient Power)
2017年6月17日 · The very first line of War Angel describes exactly what I mean by sentient: Having desires, feelings, and volition. Shards, in general, are not sentient. They do not want things, make complex decisions, or feel. One could make the argument that volition is an expression of sapience, but that's a stretch.
War Angel (Alt-Power Wards Taylor, Sentient Power)
2017年6月17日 · Angel appeared next to them, and Panacea and Battery both shrieked. Battery punched him, but he ignored it and reached down for the sword, pulling it out in one swift motion. Battery screamed again, a hoarse ragged scream.
War Angel (Alt-Power Wards Taylor, Sentient Power)
2017年12月22日 · Angel was unmoved, but neither did he bother trying to move her. Rose chuckled. "That's enough playing around, Angel. You should actually try to win now." Angel nodded and put his hand on Alexandria's shoulder, shoving in a manner that might have been described as playful, and he did what no one had ever done before.
War Angel (Alt-Power Wards Taylor, Sentient Power)
2017年6月17日 · "You weren't kidding about the tedium. 'Two degrees down. Now five degrees up. Now half a degree up.' After a while, I just stopped paying attention and let Angel handle it." Angel walked in then, carrying a steaming mug and setting it in front of Taylor, who took it gratefully. "I can sympathize. 'Make this gun. Now with a suppressor.
War Angel (Alt-Power Wards Taylor, Sentient Power)
2017年6月17日 · The drive back to the PRT was tense, at first, but Angel turned into a golden retriever puppy and started licking her face, and before long, all thoughts of Emma were forgotten. Katie dropped Taylor and Angel off at the secret costuming location she had used with Vista earlier, and left to change herself and let them in the door to the PRT ...
War Angel (Alt-Power Wards Taylor, Sentient Power)
2017年12月19日 · Angel, still in pajamas, walked around the pile, poking it from various angles. Every time he jabbed it, the whole structure shifted slightly, but it didn't collapse. No matter which angle he pushed it from, the force of the blow seemed to flow through the entire tower, rather than displacing any single part of it.
War-Angel: The Last Starfighter 2 ship concepts - SpaceBattles
2015年11月5日 · A warship, dammed to the depths of hell... "Simuloids can't fight, we're not allowed..." - War Angel: The Last Starfighter 2 premise - The ship above was made by the ancient Star League and is dreadnaught scaled. At the beginning of the story they would be showing Gunstars and other types of...
War Angel (Alt-Power Wards Taylor, Sentient Power)
2017年6月17日 · Angel teleported Taylor home at just shy of eight PM, and she flopped down bonelessly on her couch. Angel turned back into a dog, and jumped on the couch next to her, resting his head on her lap as she stroked it gently. Her father arrived mere minutes after she did, Hannah with him. They both looked as exhausted as she felt.
War Angel (Alt-Power Wards Taylor, Sentient Power)
2017年6月17日 · It was his doing!” He point at Angel, currently a Sheltie/Collie mix. Miss Militia rolled her eyes. “Oh sure, blame it on the dog.” Clockblocker grumbled, and began putting things back onto shelves and in boxes. Angel helped, picking things up …