WASP-25 b - Science@NASA
2024年10月24日 · WASP-25 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a G-type star. Its mass is 0.44 Jupiters, it takes 3.8 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.0473 AU from its star. Its discovery was announced in 2010.
WASP-25 - Wikipedia
WASP-25 is a yellow main sequence star in the constellation of Hydra. WASP-25 is slightly metal-poor (85% of Solar amount) and is probably a young star which has just entered the main sequence. [3] The "Hot Jupiter" class planet WASP-25b was discovered around WASP-25 in 2010. [3] . The planet would have an equilibrium temperature of 1212 ± 35 K.
WASP-25b: a 0.6 M J planet in the Southern hemisphere - IEEE …
We report the detection of a 0.6 M J extrasolar planet by WASP-South, WASP-25b, transiting its solar-type host star every 3.76 d. A simultaneous analysis of the
Title: WASP-25b: a 0.6 M_J planet in the Southern hemisphere
2010年9月29日 · WASP-25b is found to have a density of \rho_p = 0.32 \rho_J, a low value for a sub-Jupiter mass planet. We investigate the relationship of planetary radius to planetary equilibrium temperature and host star metallicity for transiting exoplanets with a similar mass to WASP-25b, finding that these two parameters explain the radii of most low-mass ...
WASP-25b: a 0.6 M J planet in the Southern hemisphere - Oxford …
2011年1月6日 · We report the detection of a 0.6 M J extrasolar planet by WASP-South, WASP-25b, transiting its solar-type host star every 3.76 d. A simultaneous analysis of the WASP, FTS and Euler photometry and CORALIE spectroscopy yields a planet of R p = 1.22 R J and M p = 0.58 M J around a slightly metal-poor solar-type host star, [Fe/H]=− 0.05 ± 0.10 ...
[2308.06263] ACCESS, LRG-BEASTS, & MOPSS: Featureless Optical ...
2023年8月11日 · We present new optical transmission spectra for two hot Jupiters: WASP-25b (M = 0.56~M J; R = 1.23 R J; P =~3.76 days) and WASP-124b (M = 0.58~M J; R = 1.34 R J; P = 3.37 days), with wavelength coverages of 4200 - 9100Å and 4570 - 9940Å, respectively.
WASP-25b: A 0.6M planet in the Southern hemisphere
2010年9月29日 · We report the detection of a 0.6 MJ extrasolar planet by WASP-South, WASP-25b, transiting its solar-type host star every 3.76 d. A simultaneous analysis of the WASP, FTS and Euler photometry and CORALIE spectroscopy yields a planet of Rp= 1.22 RJ and Mp= 0.58 MJ around a slightly metal-poor solar-type host star, [Fe/H]=− 0.05 ± 0.10, of R ...
Planet WASP-25 b
WASP-25b: a 0.6 M J planet in the Southern hemisphere. Detailed information about planet WASP-25 b and its parameters.
WASP-25b: a 0.6 M_J planet in the Southern hemisphere
We report the detection of a 0.6 M_J extrasolar planet by WASP-South, WASP-25b, transiting its solar-type host star every 3.76 days.
Title: WASP-25b: a 0.6 M_J planet in the Southern hemisphere
2010年9月29日 · We report the detection of a 0.6 M_J extrasolar planet by WASP-South, WASP-25b, transiting its solar-type host star every 3.76 days. A simultaneous analysis of the WASP, FTS and Euler photometry...