WASP-62 b - NASA Science
2024年10月24日 · WASP-62 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a F-type star. Its mass is 0.52 Jupiters, it takes 4.4 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.0571 AU from its star.
WASP-62 - Wikipedia
WASP-62, formally named Naledi, is a single star about 573 light-years (176 parsecs) away. It is an F class main-sequence star, orbited by a planet, WASP-62b. The age of WASP-62 is much younger than the Sun at 0.8 ± 0.6 billion years, [4] and it …
WASP-62 | WASP Planets
The planet WASP-62b is 1.39 times the radius of Jupiter, the largest planet in our Solar System. That means it has a radius about 14 times that of Earth. WASP-62b is roughly half the mass of Jupiter and so, given its bloated radius, it has a much lower density. The star WASP-62 is 1.28 times the radius of the Sun.
WASP-62 | NASA Exoplanet Archive
Investigating giant planet migration history via improved eccentricity and mass determination for 231 transiting planets. New and updated stellar parameters for 90 transit hosts. The effect of the surface gravity.
2021年1月27日 · 直到2018年才发现了首颗、也是唯一一颗拥有清晰大气层的系外行星,命名为WASP-96b,是一颗“热土星”。 天文学家们表示,研究大气层无云的系外行星可以更好地了解它们是如何形成的——它们的稀缺性“表明有别的事情正在发生,或者它们的形成方式与大多数 ...
2021年1月26日 · 这颗气体巨星被命名为WASP-62b,于2012年通过广角行星搜索 (WASP)计划南巡首次被发现。 然而,它的大气层直到现在还没有被仔细研究过。 利用哈勃太空望远镜的记录,结合光谱学的数据,天文学家发现,该星球上钠的存在非常明显,研究小组能够在他们的数据中看到完整的钠吸收线。 而在通常情况下,大气中的云层或薄雾会掩盖钠的完整特征,天文学家只能分辨出钠存在的细微迹象。 译/前瞻经济学人APP资讯组. 参考资料: …
WASP-62 b - exoplanetkyoto.org
WASP-62 b is an exoplanet orbiting the star WASP-62, located about 560.4 light-years (171.8 pc) away from Solar System. Its discovery was publicly announced on 2011. The host star WASP-62 has apparent magnitude of 10.3, with absolute magnitude of 4.1. It is 1.2 times more massive and 1.3 times bigger compared with our Sun.
WASP-62b系外行星 - 百度百科
这颗气体巨星被命名为WASP-62b,距离地球575光年,质量约为木星的一半。 但与木星不同的是,木星绕太阳公转一周历时12年;而WASP-62b绕其恒星公转一周只需4天半。
WASP-62b – WASP Planets
They conclude by saying that: “As the only transiting giant planet currently known in the JWST Continuous Viewing Zone, WASP-62b could prove a benchmark giant exoplanet for detailed atmospheric characterization in the James Webb era.
WASP-62b, in James Webb’s continuous-viewing zone, has a clear ...
2020年11月13日 · James Webb’s “Continuous Viewing Zone” is the patch of sky where the satellite can point continuously at a target and so observe it most efficiently. Exoplanets within the CVZ that are suitable for atmospheric characterisation are thus of high importance, and so far WASP-62b is the only gas giant known within the CVZ.
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