WASP-4b - Wikipedia
WASP-4b is an exoplanet, specifically a hot Jupiter, approximately 891 light-years away [5] in the constellation of Phoenix. [6]
WASP-4b - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
WASP-4b 是位於 鳳凰座,距離大約1,000光年的一顆 系外行星 [1],這顆環繞著 WASP-4 的行星是在2007年10月發現的。 這顆行星的質量和半徑顯示它是類似 木星 的 氣體巨星 [3]。 WASP …
WASP-4 b - Science@NASA
2024年10月24日 · WASP-4 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a G-type star. Its mass is 1.186 Jupiters, it takes 1.3 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.0226 AU from its star. Its …
WASP-4 - Wikipedia
WASP-4 is a G-type main-sequence star approximately 891 light-years away in the constellation of Phoenix. [4][1][2] Despite its advanced age, the star is rotating rapidly, being spun up by the …
Characterizing the WASP-4 System with TESS and Radial
2022年5月19日 · Another, WASP-4b, exhibits hints of a changing orbital period that could be caused by orbital decay, apsidal precession, or the acceleration of the system toward the …
[0801.1509] WASP-4b: a 12th-magnitude transiting hot-Jupiter in …
2008年1月9日 · We report the discovery of WASP-4b, a large transiting gas-giant planet with an orbital period of 1.34 days. This is the first planet to be discovered by the SuperWASP-South …
[2004.00637] WASP-4 is Accelerating Toward the Earth - arXiv.org
2020年4月1日 · Abstract: The orbital period of the hot Jupiter WASP-4b appears to be decreasing at a rate of $-8.64 \pm 1.26$ msec/yr, based on transit-timing measurements spanning 12 …
We report the discoveryof WASP-4b, a large transiting gas-giantplanet with an orbital period of 1.34 days. This is the first planet to be discovered by the SuperWASP-South observatory
WASP-4b: A 12th Magnitude Transiting Hot Jupiter in the …
2008年2月5日 · We report the discovery of WASP-4b, a large transiting gas-giant planet with an orbital period of 1.34 days. This is the first planet to be discovered by the SuperWASP-South …
Planet WASP-4 b - Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia
Detailed information about planet WASP-4 b and its parameters. Search for planets in hot Jupiter systems with multi-sector TESS photometry. II. Constraints on planetary companions in 12 …