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Bored with being the Lord of Hell, the devil relocates to Los Angeles, where he opens a nightclub and forms a connection with a homicide detective. Watch trailers & learn more.
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नरक का राजा बने रहने से बोर हुआ शैतान, लॉस ऐंजेलिस पहुंच जाता है, जहां वह एक नाइटक्लब खोलता है और एक होमिसाइड डिटेक्टिव के साथ जुड़ जाता है.
Watch Lucifer | Netflix Official Site
Lucifer 2016 | Maturity Rating: 16+ | 6 Seasons | Drama Bored with being the Lord of Hell, the devil relocates to Los Angeles, where he opens a nightclub and forms a connection with a homicide detective.
Watch Lucifer | Netflix Official Site
Bored with being the Lord of Hell, the devil relocates to Los Angeles, where he opens a nightclub and forms a connection with a homicide detective. Watch trailers & learn more.
Watch Lucifer | Netflix Official Site
Bored with being the Lord of Hell, the devil relocates to Los Angeles, where he opens a nightclub and forms a connection with a homicide detective. Watch trailers & learn more.
Watch Lucifer | Netflix Official Site
Plictisit să tot fie Lordul Infernului, diavolul se mută în Los Angeles, unde deschide un club de noapte și formează o legătură cu un detectiv de la omucideri. Watch trailers & learn more.
Watch Lucifer | Netflix Official Site
Von seiner Existenz als Fürst der Hölle gelangweilt, zieht der Teufel nach Los Angeles, wo er einen Nachtklub eröffnet und dem Morddezernat unter die Arme greift. Watch trailers & learn more.
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Vragu dosadi biti Gospodar Pakla pa se preseli u Los Angeles, gdje otvori noćni klub i poveže se s detektivkom u odjelu za umorstva. Watch trailers & learn more.
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Lucifer 2016 | Maturity Rating: +16 | 6 Seasons | دراما بعد أن فاض به الكيل من كونه "ملك الجحيم"، ينتقل الشيطان إلى "لوس أنجلوس" حيث يفتتح ناديًا ليليًا ويشكل تواصلًا مع محققة جرائم قتل.
Watch Lucifer | Netflix Official Site
Karena bosan menjadi Penguasa Neraka, iblis ini pindah ke Los Angeles. Di sana, ia membuka sebuah klub malam dan menjalin hubungan dengan seorang detektif pembunuhan. Watch trailers & learn more.