VATSIM | The International Online Flying Network | VATSIM
VATSIM offers simple, fast and easy to use clients for all major flight simulators: Microsoft Flight Simulator, Prepar3D, X-Plane and FlightGear
vatsim 中国分部. 反馈. 如有任何建议或反馈,欢迎通过邮件直接向我们提出,或在我们的论坛参与讨论。
Docs | VATSIM - Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network
VATSIM is the Virtual Air Traffic Simulation network, connecting people from around the world flying online or acting as virtual Air Traffic Controllers.
Getting Started - Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network
In order to connect to the network, you need a piece of free software to connect your flight simulator to our network. You can choose which one you prefer from our * Pilot Software page. There are lots of other programs which might be useful to you when you are on the network.
WatSIM™ - Municipal Chemistry Modeling, Lead and Copper
WatSIM software is a complete modeling tool for municipal water chemistry. Evaluate for 20+ scale forming species, Pb & Cu solubility, and appropriate treatments. Read More »
VATSIM | Asia Pacific
vatsim 是一个包含 350,000 多名飞友的庞大社区。 无论您喜欢飞大型的波音 747 客机还是小型的塞斯纳飞机;也无论您是想在繁忙的空域中飞行,还是只想在安静的山区中飞行,我们都欢迎您!
开始飞行 - VATPRC
进入 myVATSIM,注册一个VASTIM ID。 注册十分简单,快速,并且完全免费。 (注:账号密码将以邮件形式发出,请注意查收,妥善保存。 ) 请自由选择您所在分部,无论您是否选择亚洲,中华人民共和国分部,您都可以任意选择您飞行的国家和地区。 但是您账号的一部分相关事务会由您在这一步所选择的分部处理。 下载 连飞软件,这些完全免费的软件将帮助您连入VATSIM的网络。 阅读 VATSIM条例,了解相关信息。 关于在中国大陆飞行,我们的空域介绍界面,将有一些 …
模擬航管組織 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
模擬航管組織 (英語: Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network,縮寫「VATSIM」)是一個非營利組織,於 互聯網 上營運的全球性網絡,為各種配有 模擬飛行 軟件或模擬雷達軟件的 電腦 提供一個連繫的平台,從而給予用家一個模擬真實的飛行環境。 在VATSIM的網絡上,無論是 機師 還是 空中交通管制員,除了需要遵守VATSIM的規定外,也要跟隨真實的 天氣 、民航規定、飛行程序、航道、航圖等來使用VATSIM的服務,以達致最接近現實世界的飛行環境。 同時提供對機師和 …
VATSIM Community Hub
VATSIM is on Discord, a free, realtime communications platform. Join us now. Join the VATSIM community on Discord!
VATSIM Germany
1 天前 · Welcome to VATSIM Germany. On these pages you will find information on how to become a controller within our vACC, as well as about flying within vACC Germany's area. VATSIM Germany is part of the VATSIM Europe Division, which together with other divisions forms the VATSIM Europe, Middle East and Africa Region.
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