Wax tags - Predator Free NZ Trust
Wax tags are a useful monitoring tool to detect and monitor possums (and sometimes rats) over medium-to-large areas. It is a plastic tag with a flavoured wax knob attached to it. As with …
How to monitor possums: Predator Free 2050 - Department of …
Choose between wax tags and chew cards. Both rely on bite mark identification for successful monitoring of animals. Wax tags: are triangular and have a small ball of non-toxic wax. Chew …
OSPRI staf and contractors use two devices (waxtags and chewcards) that are standard protocols used to detect and research possum populations. Waxtags (PCR WaxTags®) have a 2-cm3 …
Waxtag possum bite mark indices for the two study blocks …
Waxtag possum bite mark indices for the two study blocks between 2012 and 2018 and the timing of 1080 operations and beech seedfall. Blue and red points are actual wax-tag rates, while...
It is based on sampling populations using various detection devices (traps, Waxtags or Chewcards). The indices derived depend for their statistical robustness on meticulous …
(PDF) Improving techniques for the WaxTag® possum …
Since this early research, the wax block has been refined, with the wax now placed on a plastic tag to enhance visibility (McGlinchy & Warburton 2000). This new device is sold specifically for …
can you count on chew-track-cards and WaxTags? - Predator Free NZ Trust
2016年6月23日 · Chew-track-cards (CTCs) were developed by Connovation (Auckland) and WaxTags (WTs) were developed by Pest Control Research Limited (Christchurch). Initial …
Possum Wax Monitoring Tag No Lure - Clear - Key Industries
Artificial bait used for estimating possum abundance. Each Wax Tag consists of a piece of triangular-shaped sheet of plastic, with a 12cm block of wax molded to the sharpest point of …
Have you ever waxed a possum? — City Sanctuary
2022年3月2日 · Possums are monitored using wax-tags – plastic tags holding a hunk of wax. The tags are spaced at intervals along “lines ” in the bush to give us good coverage of where …
Tracking cards and tunnels - Predator Free NZ Trust
Tracking cards and tunnels are specifically designed for tracking small mammals such as mice, rats and stoats. They can be used before and after predator control to measure its …
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