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The curious case of Saudi WBIED (water-borne improvised explosive device) attacks in the Gulf of Aden; Persian Gulf / Iran; South African Navy tug sinks; Norwegian warship collides with oil tanker following NATO exercise
Water Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (WBIED)
2018年3月8日 · The threat of Water-borne Improvised Explosive Devices (WBIED) has developed into a critical issue for seafarers due to a recent escalation of conflict and instability in nations surrounding key maritime choke points.
What is a WBIED
In essence – anything that can be both surface or submerged in water can be utilized as a Water Borne Improvised Explosive Device or WBIED. WBIED’s developed from those used by militants and terrorists globally, particularly during the Afghanistan conflict, where Improvised Explosives Devices are a daily occurrence.
Potential use of Waterborne Improvised Explosive Devices ... - WBIED…
2015年8月19日 · There are numerous examples overseas of the use of small vessels as a waterborne improvised explosive device (WBIED) to attack maritime targets. These tactics could be applied against the United States and its interests to attack vessels, infrastructure, and industry (such as refineries and chemical plants) in the maritime domain.
The Threat - UKMTO
WBIED attacks have been used against warships and merchant ships in the southern Red Sea/BAM/western area of the Gulf of Aden. Incidents have highlighted attacks by different groups operating in the region: WBIED used in the regional conflict have been aimed at harming those associated with the conflict.
The emergence of the Houthi waterbourne IED (WBIED) threat in early 2017 presents challenges for the protection of commercial shipping in the Red Sea and Straits of Bab al-Mandab. The threat has continued throughout 2018, with the most recent interdiction of an attempted WBIED attack being on, or about, 7 September 2018.1
【专题报告-4】2021年水雷与反水雷发展动态 - 360doc
2022年7月19日 · 该系统全称“海上灭雷系统”(M2NS),能够利用RE2公司的“海洋级”(Sea Class)机械臂将灭雷装置精准放置在水雷或水中简易爆炸装置(WBIED)上。 这些机械臂具备人类的灵巧性(每只手臂有7个功能),使灭雷过程安全有效。
美将研制水下排雷机器人系统 可在300米深水域执行排雷任务_工业 …
2021年10月18日 · 该系统全称“海上排雷系统”(m2ns),能够利用re2公司“智慧海”级机器人,将排雷装置精准安装于水雷或水中简易爆炸装置(wbied)。 该项目的系统集成商是RE2公司。
Maritime Dangers Arising From The Yemen Conflict
2021年12月7日 · Open source research reveals 24 successful or attempted Houthi maritime WBIED attacks carried out between January 2017 and June 2021. The majority of all Houthi attacks were directed at commercial shipping vessels such as tankers or freight carriers.
The WBIED is radio controlled through a purpose-built computerised guidance system. The computer and all associated electronic controls are housed in an improvised control unit, which is constructed of riveted sheet aluminium (Figure 3 and Schema 1, A). The control unit has a hinged lid and six electrical plug sockets, of varying sizes and pin