wcfm-snippets/list-of-wcfm-icons at main · davidpottrell/wcfm
Here is a list of the icons within their font file.
shortcode - WCFM Documentation
icon: Font awesome icon to precede the store information text. This attribute is optional. [wcfm_store_sold_by] – This shortcode adds a vendor sold by block on any single post of …
Change default icons - WC Lovers
2020年5月15日 · The shortcode wcfm_notifications doesn’t allow changing the icon. It’s hardcoded. I created another shortcode for your purpose, change the icon, and use it as per …
List of All WCFM Shortcodes – Functionality with Examples
2023年7月20日 · WCFM (WooCommerce Frontend Manager) is a popular multi-vendor plugin for WooCommerce that allows vendors to manage their own products, orders, and other details …
Tweaks - WCFM Documentation
WCFM Order listing page by default shows order status by icon. But you may change this and show status as icon+text as well. You have to use this code snippet – add_filter( …
WCFM Marketplace - Store, Widgets & Short Codes - WC Lovers
Above all of this, WCFM Marketplace will give you a very flexible short code to display any store any information any where in your site. It takes two attributes –. id -> store id, which …
{"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"":{"items":[{"name":"Limit product title","path":"Limit product title","contentType":"file"},{"name":"README.md ...
WCFM - Admin Settings - WC Lovers
To manage WCfM Dashboard, go to Settings in WCFM Dashboard left menu. A group of settings sections are there: You can manage: Additionally you will have “ Capability ” settings link at …
Knowledgebase - WCFM Documentation
Once submitted, vendors can have view these articles in their dashboard from here : WCFM Vendor Dashboard -> Click on ” book” icon as shown below. Upon clicking the view icon, …
davidpottrell/wcfm-snippets - GitHub
These snippets can be pasted into your functions.php file or create a dedicated plugin to house the snippets for easy bug fixing. For descriptions on what the snippets do/further reading, …