What Could Possibly Go Wrong? - Reddit
WCGW Breaking a Stick with Your Knees? r/Whatcouldgowrong: The best place to learn what not to do.
What Could Possibly Go Wrong? - Reddit
Do not submit content that shows watermarks or usernames of individual content creators. Examples include Tiktok videos and instagram videos.
“WCGW?”的中文意思是什么? - 百度知道
2024年6月6日 · 英语缩略词"WCGW?"在日常交流中广泛代表"What Could Go Wrong?",中文直译为“什么会出错”。 这个短语常用于表达对未知情况的担忧或对可能出现的问题的预设。
What could go wrong? : r/Whatcouldgowrong - Reddit
2022年8月15日 · I like it, two different types of post titles in this sub, obvious and not obvious. WCGW playing with explosives or WCGW opening your fridge.
从 Gitlab 事件解读 IT 审计 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在 IT 审计中,审计的出发点叫做 WCGW (What Could Go Wrong),说白了就是要识别出哪些场景可以导致信息系统的不稳定、不准确的情况发生。 这是一个基于过程的分析方式,用 Gitlab 事件举个例子,其中的一个 WCGW 就可以是『错误的将对备库操作在生产库上执行』。
What Does Wcgw Mean? - Meaning, Uses and More - FluentSlang
2023年9月19日 · The acronym wcgw stands for “What Could Go Wrong.” It is commonly used by Redditors and other social media users to humorously inquire about the potential risks or disasters that could occur in a given situation. The phrase “What Could Go Wrong” has been in use for some time, but the abbreviated version, wcgw, has gained popularity in recent years.
[내부회계] LSPM, WCGW, PRP 작성시 주의 사항 (WCGW 의미, PRP …
2024年2月22日 · 실무에서는 WCGW(What could go wrong)으로 많이 쓰다가 WCGW이 너무 추상적인 느낌이 있어서 최근에는 프로세스에서 발생할 수 있는 위험이라고 PRP라고 부르기도 하고 있죠. 하지만, LSPM이 프로세스 레벨에서는 추상적이면 안되죠.
wcgw | Smithery
Default 'wcgw' mode has no restrictions and full authorization. Top Use Cases. Solve problem X using Python, create and run test cases, and fix any issues in a temporary directory. Find instances of code with behavior X in a repository. Git clone a repository in the home directory, understand the project, set up the environment, and build.
WCGW - What does WCGW mean? - Slang.net
2021年3月18日 · Redditors and other social media users who ask WCGW are asking "what could go wrong." This acronym typically precedes a description of a situation that could (or did) go horribly wrong. Where does WCGW come from? "What could go wrong" is a saying people use to identify situations that are likely to end poorly.
Chapter 8: Performing Tests of Controls Flashcards - Quizlet
3 天之前 · 3. Identify What Can Go Wrong (WCGW): The auditor uses his or her understanding of assertions to identify what can go wrong at the transaction level. 4. Identify Relevant Controls to Test: Given the auditor's understanding of entity level and transaction level controls, the auditor should identify key controls for each assertion. 5.