G19 - WE G Series (Glock) - WE Pistols (GBBP) - Guns - KYAIRSOFT
KY custom WE G19 GEN5 SECRET VER. BK (Semi-Auto/Full Auto) (2 Magazine Bundle)
WE Model 19 Gen5 MOS GBB Pistol ( Black ) - JK ARMY AIRSOFT
WE Model 19 Gen5 MOS GBB Pistol ( Black ) SKU / Code. The new version not include: Dummy RMR. All GBB / Pistol are tested before ship out. When we test any guns, tiny scratch cannot be avoided. Only registered users can write reviews. Please Sign in or create an account.
Its main feature is the MOS platform on the slide, which allows the user to adapt and install mainstream pistol red dot optics onto the slide directly without any permanent modification to the slide. The replica also has improvements externally and internally.
Glock第五代!!WE G17 / G19 Gen5介紹&評價 | Foxyの生存遊戲日誌
G19是G17的緊湊型版本,擁有更短的握把和槍管方便於攜帶,但相對的載彈量也相對較少。 處一樣有設計11mm的螺牙,提供玩家自行安裝喜歡的膛口裝置。 同樣獻上後定特寫~~滑套邊角的斜面切割也是Gen5在外型設計上的一大特色。 滑套下方的設計也沒有太大差異,可以讓玩家配置自己喜歡的槍燈或雷指器。 G19則因為槍管較短,因此下方導軌沒有設計固定凹槽。 為了零件通用性,像是扳機、滑套卡榫、滑套釋放鈕等部件都是通用過去規格的,當然有像是飛機座或Hop座 …
[黑色]-WE G19 Gen5 克拉克 瓦斯手槍 GBB 後座力 滑套可動 會後定
WE G19 Gen5 克拉克 瓦斯手槍 GBB. 初速: 100 m/s. 可無彈後定. 金屬滑套、金屬槍管、塑膠槍身、金屬彈匣. 雙邊滑套卡榫、適型握把、微加大彈匣襯裙、附可更換的適型握把片 . G19跟G17差在哪? G19為G17的緊緻版本。較短的握把、槍管和滑套,使整體尺寸更小更易隱藏 ...
台湾airsoft顶尖工艺WE Glock19男人的梦想 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
虽然WE也有G19系列,但是外观质感还是有很多提升空间,尤其在下枪身采吋及孔位错误的问题,不过我还是不死心的把它给搞定了! 先来看看 完工图 吧! GLOCK 19钢滑套搭上沙色下枪身果然才是潮啊. 民用型G19就是要够沙,刻字也要多一点才潮. 完整的GLOCK LOGO. GUARDER新出的G19下枪身均有假插销,主要是给KJWORK G19/23用的,WE G19卡在孔位沿用G17的结构无法直上,必须要换掉HOPUP/前轨道座来完成. 在假插销的视觉效果下,G19看起来更仿真了. 平 …
WE Model 19 Gen5 MOS GBB Pistol ( Tan ) - JK ARMY AIRSOFT
WE Model 19 Gen5 MOS GBB Pistol ( Tan ) SKU / Code. The new version not include: Dummy RMR. All GBB / Pistol are tested before ship out. When we test any guns, tiny scratch cannot be avoided. Only registered users can write reviews. Please Sign in or create an account.
WE G19 Gen3 克拉克 瓦斯槍,GBB手槍,BB槍(滑套會 ... - KUI
WE G19 Gen3 克拉克 瓦斯槍,GBB手槍,BB槍 ( 金屬滑套 、 金屬槍管 、 塑膠槍身 、金屬彈匣 ) 初速: 90 ~ 95 m/s. 具有退彈孔及滑套可動及後定,模擬真槍動作,仿真後座力. 可調式HOP UP. 規格:
G Series - Pistols (Gas Blowback) - Guns
With the launch of our Advanced Weaponry Simulator System (A.W.S.S.) in 2008, we've set our sights on re-defining the use of realistic, gas blowback platforms as viable training options for professionals, namely military and law enforcement personnel.
WE G19 GEN5 MOS BK WE is proud to announce the new Modular Optic System (M.O.S) on our G Series Gen 3, 4 and 5 Gas Blowback Pistols. The MOS system allows users to install pistol optics while keeping the iron sights as a Co-witness option, giving the users a choice of mounting a pistol optic without having to remove the rear sight and install a ...
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