WE Tech 999-G36C GBB Rifle (Black) - Crown Airsoft
WE Tech 999-G36C GBB Rifle (Black) Item Weight (gram) 2550g Major Color Black Length 710mm / 510mm (Folded) Blow Back Yes Hop-up Adjustable Shooting Mode Semi/Fully Automatic Magazine Capacity 30 Rounds Bullet Type 6mm BB Pistol Power Source HFC134a & HFC22 Gas Power (Muzzle Velocity) 350 FPS (Top Gas Test @ 25??C Room Temperature)
Rifles - G36 / G39 Series - Crown Airsoft
Developed for special tactical Police and Military applications, the compact WE 999 RAS AEG is ideal for close quarter battles and short to mid-range combat. This extremely realistic rifle is...
Upgraded WE G36 Series Airsoft GBB Rifle
【Product】WE-Tech 999 G36 GBB Airsoft Rifle Series 2025ver , 【Brand】WE-Tech . SWIT Airsoft always brings you top airsoft gear at best prices. Highly recommended!
WE G36C GBB原廠開箱測試 - YouTube
作為WE GBB步槍中售價最便宜的H&K G36C到底實際效能如何? 就讓我們來測試ㄧ下!
【翔準軍品 AOG】 【WE】 WE G36C 衝鋒槍 電動槍 G39 G316 …
品牌 we . 產地台灣 . 材質為塑膠 . 初速約 120 M/S (0.2GBB 彈) 動力 = 電動 . 裝彈數約 470 顆 . 使用 6 mm 的 BB 彈 請配戴護目鏡. 請勿私自拆解或改造電動槍. 請勿將槍口對人或動物及危險物品. 使用電動槍需遵守各國當地法令與規定. 請勿做危險動作 請安全使用. 購買 BB ...
The Remarkable Journey into the World of GBB with WE G36C
2023年11月6日 · Its robust construction, realistic blowback, high performance, and modularity make it a worthy addition to any airsoft arsenal. Whether you're a novice or a veteran airsoft player, the WE Tech G36 provides a remarkable balance …
現代德軍的經典-WE G36c / WE G36E介紹&評價 | Foxyの生存遊戲 …
WE G36c是G36系列步槍的突擊緊湊款,針對城鎮作戰而設計的短巧外型很適合大多數的玩家。 而WE G36E的真槍原型定位是射手步槍,原本會在前端有折疊腳架,不過這把借來的WE G36E則被原槍主拔除了。 WE G36系列的槍口原廠都是安裝音叉火帽,玩家也可以在購買後自行替換成其他款式。 而WE G36E的槍管有設計刺刀座,可以安裝卡口相通的各種刺刀 (圖中是SG2000訓練刺刀)。 WE G36c作為突擊版的步槍款式,護木周圍會多上兩側的導軌方便玩家自行安裝各類戰術 …
WE G36c Review: 10 Years Later - Best GBBR? - YouTube
The WE Tech G39c/999c (G36c) has recently celebrated its 10th Birthday and it's taken me this long to review this GBB masterpiece. If you would like to suppo...
Upgraded WE G36 Series Airsoft GBB Rifle 2024ver. | BK AIRSOFT
All function checks, to avoid common tolerance issues. Upgraded WE G36 Series Airsoft GBB Rifle 2024ver.
WE G36C GBBR Black - Octagon Airsoft
WE G36C GBBR Black G36 GBBR with WE G36 System Gas Source: H134a (8kgs) And Top Gas (12kgs) BB Capacity: 30rds