WE-Tech SVD Airsoft Gas Blowback Sniper Rifle (Model: …
The WE SVD is without question one of the best choices for Airsoft Snipers. Manufacturer: WE-Tech. FPS Range: 490-500. Specifications: Length: 1220mm Weight: 3400g Inner Barrel: ~610mm Magazine Capacity: 21rds Gas Type: Green Gas Fire Modes: Semi-Auto, Safety Package Includes: Gun, Magazine, Manual Hopup: Yes, Adjustable About WE-TECH
We Svd 3년 사용 후기 - 에어소프트 채널 - 아카라이브
2024年4月17日 · We Svd가 탄창꼽고 장전을 해도 공격발이 나가는 이상한 현상이 발견되서 수리겸 3년정도 사용하면서 후기 비슷한걸 작성해보고자함. 이건 svd살때 파킨으로 워낙 유명해서 구매한 예비부품 들인데 정작 파킨나서 갈아낀건 없는게 함정..
WE-Tech SVD Airsoft Gas Blowback Sniper Rifle (Type: Imitation …
WE-Tech SVD Airsoft Gas Blowback Sniper Rifle (Type: Imitation Wood Stock and Handguards) Free shipping within lower 48 US states, no coupon code needed! FPS Range: 490-500. The WE SVD GBB Sniper Rifle is by far the best quality SVD rifle on the market today.
WE SVD GBB 瓦斯狙擊槍 實木槍托護木 鋁合金槍身 2020新版 WE-SVD …
we-ace-vd gbb 瓦斯狙擊槍 ( we svd gbb 實木護木 鋁合金槍身 ) 黑色鋁製槍身 / 實木護木及後托 / 多樣鋼製部品 長度:1220mm 重量:3400g 可裝填22發6mmbb彈 blowback系統- 單連發射擊模式選擇 彈匣內bb彈打完有槍機後定設計 初速 : 110~130m/s (使用0.2gbb彈 灌12kg瓦斯所測) 可連發
WE SVD (ACE-VD) GBBR Airsoft (Aluminum) - Black | RedWolf
Looking forWE SVD (ACE-VD) GBBR Airsoft (Aluminum) - Black? RedWolf Airsoft has the Lowest Prices on Airsoft Guns with Price Match. International Shipping. Voted Best Retailer 10 Consecutive Years in Players Choice Awards. Shop today!
WE Tech "ACE VD" SVD Gas Blowback GBBR Airsoft Sniper Rifle
Modeled after the standard squad support weapon used by the Russian military, this 1:1 scale airsoft SVD shoots up to 550 FPS (w/ 0.20g BBs), making it a great gas blowback rifle for long distance shooting and training.
【海外开箱】WE SVD GBB 原廠開箱測試 - 哔哩哔哩
WE SVD GBB 瓦斯氣動槍彈匣,彈夾(20發) - KUI酷愛國際生存遊戲 …
KUI酷愛國際有限公司 WE SVD GBB 瓦斯氣動槍彈匣,彈夾(20發)及 瓦斯槍、電動槍、CO2槍、玩具槍、軍品、鋼盔、頭盔、護目鏡、風鏡、迷彩帽、棒球帽、軍服、迷彩服、外套、軍靴、戰術背心、背包及生存遊戲配件全系列商品!! KUI 酷愛國際生存遊戲官方網站 AIRSOFT ...
WE SVD GBR (2025) - Airsoftzone
The SVD GBR implements a robust gas blowback (GBR) system that imitates recoil and slide action during firing. It provides an exceptional and realistic user experience, like shooting an authentic weapon. This gun also offers an adjustable hop-up mechanism to improve the BB's accuracy and stability during the shot.
[WE-Tech] ACE SVD Sniper Rifle GBB [Wood Pattern][Steel Receiver]
[WE-Tech] ACE SVD Sniper Rifle GBB [Real Wood][Steel Receiver] Specification: Part No.: WE-R-AD003 / GUNT0845; Material: Aluminum/ Steel/ Wood Pattern Funiture; Magazine Capacity: 20+1 Rounds ( 6mm ) Length: 1120mm; System: Gas Blowback; Fire Mode: Semi; Hop-Up: Adjustable; Muzzle Velocity: Over 400 FPS ( with 0.2g BBs & Top gas )