We Stan - Urban Dictionary
2019年7月28日 · We Stan is a term that is used to express extreme support for something, or that you are a huge fan of someone. It is a term that derived from Eminem created character "Stan" taken from the song Stan featuring Dido .
"We STAN"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
We STAN 是什么意思? "Stan" is slang for "to be obsessed" or "be a fan." It comes from the song "Stan" by the artist Eminem. The song is about a man named Stan who is obsessed with Eminem. Everything Stan does is to copy Eminem or to get attention from Eminem. Stan becomes insane because he does not get attention from Eminem. It's not a happy song.
What Does "Stan" Mean? Everything You Need To Know About The ... - Bustle
2022年1月5日 · The slang term "stan" refers to someone who is overly obsessed with a celebrity. Since its coinage in 2000, it also refers to stan culture.
Stan - Know Your Meme
Stan is an internet slang term meaning to have an intense fandom for a particular object, such as a singer, athlete, or company. The term is derived from the Eminem song of the same name which is about an obsessive Eminem fan named Stan. On May 23rd, 2000, Eminem released his second album, The Marshall Mathers LP. [1] .
"we stan, you and me what does "stan"means?"是什么意思
2020年7月19日 · When you "stan" something, it means that you support it/agree with it. Ex: 1.) I stan Stray Kids. 2.) We stan intelligent people. "Stan" is a common phrase now a days used most often by people who like kpop.
阿姆的stan表达的是什么意思和什么情感? - 知乎
就是一个EM的粉丝,名字叫stan. 童年不幸福,所以思维方式比较极端. 由于EM没给他及时回信. 所以心灰意冷,把怀孕的女友绑在了车子的后备箱里喝酒嗑药狂飙90迈. 之后车子坠入河中. 危急时刻,canibus路过. stan得救了. 死而复生的stan发现自己过去的所作所为多么 ...
请问we stan什么意思 - 豆瓣
2023年1月19日 · The song is about an overly obsessed fan (named Stan) who writes letters to eminem and ends up driving off a bridge with his pregnant wife, because Eminem didn't write him back. The terms means a very very overzealous and obsessed fan of a celebrity/band/cast of a tvshow or movie.
we stan for you!”"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
“we stan for you!”"Stan" = slang for supporting or being a fan of something的定义
【口语控】美国年轻人说的stan到底啥意思? - 哔哩哔哩
微博:@Z君就是我公众号:口语控Z君VX:ihavez, 视频播放量 88044、弹幕量 89、点赞数 3005、投硬币枚数 523、收藏人数 606、转发人数 100, 视频作者 口语控, 作者简介 有趣的英语口语干货 公众号:口语控 Instagram: zeefozee,相关视频:Stan还是thank you,百万级装备试听Stan - Eminem,Dido【Hi-Res】,Eminem每天起床 ...
What does the term Stan mean? | Later Social Media Glossary
What does “stan” mean on social media? The term "stan" is often used in hashtags such as #BeyonceStan or #TaylorSwiftStan to identify oneself as a fan of a particular celebrity or group. In some cases, "stan" can also be used as a verb to describe being a highly engaged fan, as in "I stan BTS" or "She stans Lady Gaga".