Assist the DASD(NM) with determining what information, to include RD and FRD relating primarily to the military utilization of nuclear weapons, may be placed in the FRD category.
NMHB 2020 [Revised] - Under Secretary of Defense for …
The Secret and Top Secret Nuclear Weapon Data (NWD) subsets of RD regard nuclear weapons, components, or explosive devices or materials that have been determined to require additional protection. The current categories of NWD are Sigma 14, Sigma 15, Sigma 18, and Sigma 20; previous Sigma categories 1-13 are no longer in use.
10 CFR Part 1045 -- Nuclear Classification and Declassification
Formerly Restricted Data (FRD) means classified information removed from the RD category under the AEA (section 142(d)), after DOE and DoD jointly determine it is related primarily to the military utilization of nuclear weapons and that the information can be adequately protected in a manner similar to NSI.
DOE Classification and Clearances - Federation of American …
Formerly Restricted Data (FRD) is information removed from the Restricted Data category upon a joint determination by the Department of Energy (or antecedent agencies) and the Department of Defense that such information relates primarily to the military utilization of atomic weapons and that such information can be safeguarded adequately as ...
FRD category after DOE and the Department of Defense (DoD) have jointly determined that it: relates primarily to the military utilization of atomic weapons and Don't misunderstand the term "Formerly" to mean that the can be adequately safeguarded in a manner similar to National Security Information * information is no longer classified.
A Half Life for Historical Formerly Restricted Data (FRD)
2011年4月19日 · Historical FRD information – stockpile numbers, storage locations, military planning information, basic testing and yield information, and non-technical nuclear information as it relates to the military utilization of nuclear weapons – would formally become classified national security information and reviewed for declassification according ...
CRITICAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS DESIGN INFORMATION (CNWDI) BRIEFING BACKGROUND INFORMATION CNWDI is TOP SECRET RESTRICTED DATA or SECRET RESTRICTED DATA that reveals the theory of operation or design of the components of a thermonuclear or implosion-type fission bomb, warhead, demolition munition or …
Subject Area Indicators and Key Word List for Restricted Data and ...
1996年4月24日 · Classified nuclear information should be marked as "Restricted Data" (RD) or "Formerly Restricted Data" (FRD). However, the Department of Energy (DOE) has found that many documents with classified nuclear information (particularly historical documents) are not marked to indicate that they contain RD or FRD.
Security Classification of Information, volume 2 (Quist), Chapter …
In the case of Restricted Data which the [Secretary of Energy] and the Department of Defense jointly determine to relate primarily to the military utilization of atomic weapons [FRD], the determination that such data may be published without constituting an unreasonable risk to the common defense and security shall be made by the [Secretary of ...
Formerly Restricted Data (FRD), governed by the AEA, concerns the military use of nuclear weapons. Examples of FRD include nuclear weapon stockpile quantities, nuclear weapon storage and safety, nuclear weapon yields, and nuclear weapon storage locations (both past and present).