WebEOC | Emergency Management and Daily Operations - Juvare
WebEOC’s mapping capabilities provide users and administrators a wide variety of customization options and advanced spatial visualization features, including toggled map layers, external data source integrations, custom icons, live feeds to support real-time map generation, and more.
WebEOC MAP - Overview - ArcGIS
Describe your item below. Add fields on the Data tab. Configure editing on the Settings tab. Configure drawing and pop-ups through Map Viewer or Visualization tab.
WebEOC ArcGIS - juvare.com
By accessing and visualizing WebEOC data in ArcGIS Online, the ArcGIS Extension for WebEOC supports a more accurate and cohesive common operating picture than ever before. Near real-time data sharing between WebEOC and ArcGIS Online. Unlimited Feature Services for any WebEOC Board.
EOC Activations - ArcGIS
2021年8月26日 · EOC Activations as reported by the Counties through FDEM's WebEOC fusion board. Web Map by jray5500
WebEOC Plug-in: Maps Add-On (Free Course) - Juvare
Maps Add-on supports using map layers, the creation of multiple maps, the use of custom icons, and more! Unlike with the integrated Maps, Maps Add-on allows the management of maps using any number of external data sources so that administrators can control map layers, live feeds, and map services in support of custom map generation.
WebEOC Nexus - Juvare
WebEOC Nexus offers a wide variety of advanced spatial visualization features and customization options that include toggled map layers, new base maps, integrations with external data sources, custom icons, configurable polygons for region-bound status insights, live feeds to support real-time map generation, and more.
WebEOC - Overview - ArcGIS
ArcGIS StoryMaps Tell a story by combining maps with narrative text and media. Dashboards Create a dashboard with data visualizations that provide key insights. Web AppBuilder Create an app by selecting a theme and choosing from a library of widgets.
WebEOC ArcGIS Integration Update - Esri Videos: GIS, Events, …
2017年5月4日 · In the next installment of our Esri Emergency Management Webinar series, we cover the enhancements that have been made to the WebEOC ArcGIS Extension including bi-directional data integration support! Also, we demonstrate the brand new WebEOC Maps and WebEOC Maps Add-On and discuss how these products complement the …
WebEOC Plug-in: Dashboard (Free Course) - Juvare
WebEOC Dashboard is a visualization tool that enables you to arrange a combination of boards or maps into a unified dashboard. Using the dashboard is a fast and simple way for administrators to organize critical information in a meaningful format and make it available to users in one place.
Lunch-n-Learn: Using Maps and Maps Add-on - Juvare
During this webinar, we will go over different ways to utilize Maps and Maps Add-on. We will discuss how the Maps Add-on expands on the capabilities of the integrated Maps included as part of WebEOC, providing both its users and administrators with customization options and an array of advanced tools and features.