WeDea: A New EEG-Based Framework for Emotion Recognition
In this paper, we aimed to acquire a new EEG dataset based on the discrete emotion theory, termed as WeDea (Wireless-based eeg Data for emotion analysis), and propose a new combination for WeDea analysis. For the collected WeDea dataset, we used video clips as
Review of Studies on Emotion Recognition and Judgment Based …
2023年1月29日 · Kim et al. acquired a new EEG dataset (wireless-based EEG data for emotion analysis, WeDea) based on the discrete emotion theory and presented a new combination for WeDea analysis. The practical results indicated that WeDea was a promising resource for emotion analysis.
weDEA - Taking the “I” out of “Invention”
weDEA provides an alternative approach to the patent system, with higher societal benefits and no drawbacks for innovation and research. weDEA enables a paradigm shift from an exclusionary and individualistic patent system, to an inclusive and collaborative innovation system.
WeDea:一种基于脑电图的新情绪识别框架 - X-MOL科学 ...
在本文中,我们的目标是获取一个基于离散情感理论的新脑电数据集,称为WeDea(基于无线的脑电数据进行情感分析),并提出一种新的WeDea分析组合。 对于收集的 WeDea 数据集,我们使用 15 名志愿者选择的视频片段作为情绪兴奋剂。
WeDea: A New EEG-Based Framework for Emotion …
In this paper, we aimed to acquire a new EEG dataset based on the discrete emotion theory, termed as WeDea (Wireless-based eeg Data for emotion analysis), and propose a new combination for WeDea analysis. For the collected WeDea dataset, we used video clips as emotional stimulants that were selected by 15 volunteers.
Wireless-based eeg Data for emotion analysis (WeDea) were collected for studying basic emotions, such as happiness, sadness, rage, disgust, and fear, regardless of racial and cultural differences, based on the discrete emotion approach method [10].
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WeDea: A New Framework for Emotion Recognition Based on EEG
2023年5月2日 · We aimed to acquire a new EEG dataset based on the discrete emotion theory, which we referred to as WeDea (W ireless-based e eg D ata for e motion a nalysis), and we proposed a new combination for WeDea analysis. Both of these goals were accomplished in …
A schematic overview of the proposed framework
EDA measures the electrical features of skin through skin conductance response, skin potential, skin conductance level or skin potential response. ECG technology uses an electrocardiograph to...
WeDea: A New EEG-Based Framework for Emotion Recognition
2021年12月31日 · In this paper, we aimed to acquire a new EEG dataset based on the discrete emotion theory, termed as WeDea ( W ireless-based e eg D ata for e motion a nalysis), and propose a new combination for WeDea analysis. For the collected WeDea dataset, we used video clips as emotional stimulants that were selected by 15 volunteers.