Opuntia - Wikipedia
Opuntia, commonly called the prickly pear cactus, is a genus of flowering plants in the cactus family Cactaceae, many known for their flavorful fruit and showy flowers. [1] .
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Eastern Prickly Pear - US Forest Service
It has the largest range of any cactus in the United States and can be found from New Mexico and Montana east to Florida and Massachusetts. It is also found in Ontario. Eastern prickly pear can form large colonies or occur as a few individuals in an area. In older botanical manuals, it is often listed as Opuntia compressa.
Opuntia macrorhiza - Wikipedia
Opuntia macrorhiza is a common and widespread species of cactus with the common names plains pricklypear or prairie pricklypear or western pricklypear.
Opuntia engelmannii, Engelmann prickly pear - American Southwest
Opuntia engelmannii is perhaps the most widespread of all prickly pear cacti, ranging from southeast California all the way to Louisiana, and is also one of the largest, with light green or bluish green pads up to 12 inches across, forming sizeable clusters several feet tall.
缩刺仙人掌 - 百度百科
缩刺仙人掌(Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw.),丛生肉质灌木,缩刺仙人掌分枝狭椭圆形、狭倒卵形或倒卵形,长15-25厘米,宽7-13厘米;刺不发育或单生于 分枝 边缘的小窠上。 Opuntiastricta(Haw.) Haw. 高(1--)1.5--3m,丛生肉质灌木。 上部分枝宽倒卵形、倒卵状椭圆形或近圆形,边缘通常不规则波状,基部楔形或渐狭,无毛;小窠疏生,明显突出,成长后刺常增粗并增多,每小窠具(1--)3--10(--20)根刺;刺黄色,有淡褐色横纹,粗钻形,多少开展并 …
Punti - Wikipedia
In Hong Kong, Punti designates Weitou dialect -speaking locals in contrast to non-Weitou speakers such as Taishanese people, Hoklo people, Hakka people, and ethnic minorities such as the Zhuang people of Guangxi and the boat-dwelling Tanka people, who are both descendants of the Baiyue – although the Tanka have largely assimilated into Han Chine...
Old Mexico - Sunnylands Art Garden
Old Mexico is one of the O puntia in the specimen beds between the café and solar field. It has bright green pads (stems) with vivid yellow spines (leaves) and it makes a wonderful accent plant in gardens. The spines will stand straight and may be accompanied by glochids, which are small barbed spines that appear like fur.
梨果仙人掌(仙人掌科仙人掌属植物 ... - 百度百科
梨果仙人掌(OPUNTIA ficus-indica (L.) Mill.)是仙人掌科仙人掌属的肉质灌木或小乔木植物,川西俗称“仙桃”,植株高1.5-5米。 枝叶呈淡绿色或灰绿色,宽椭圆形、倒卵状椭圆形至长圆形,表面平坦,具多数小窠; [4] 开花时花朵橙红鲜艳,果实成熟时,形状犹如梨一般,所以就被叫作梨果仙人掌; [5] 花期在5-6月。 [4] 梨果仙人掌原产墨西哥,分布在世界温暖地区,在地中海及红海沿岸、南非、东非、毛里求斯、夏威夷、澳大利亚等地归化。 中国四川、贵州、云南、广西、 …