Pediatric Rehab - UDSMR
Pediatric rehabilitation providers use the WeeFIM II ® System to document the function of infants (0–3 years old), children, and adolescents with either acquired or congenital disease. The eighteen-item WeeFIM ® instrument can be supplemented by eight enhancement items or the optional WeeFIM ® Instrument: 0–3 Module , a questionnaire ...
儿童功能独立性评定量表(WeeFIM) - 百度文库
WeeFIM最高分为126分,(运动功能评分91分,认知功能评分35分),最低分18分。 126:完全独立;108~125分:基本独立;90~107分:有条件独立或极轻度依赖;
Pediatric Functional Independence Measure (WeeFIM)
2013年4月16日 · The WeeFIM II® System allows credentialed clinicians across the United States and around the world to measure and document functional performance in infants (0-3 years old), children, and adolescents with either acquired or congenital disease in a consistent manner.
Functional Independence Measure for Children | SpringerLink
The WeeFIM ® is a measure of functional ability that can be used for typically developing children, aged 6 months through 7 years, as well as children over 7 years with disabilities and delays in functional development. It is an 18-item performance measurement system that documents self-care, functional mobility, and cognitive abilities.
the WeeFIM II system was launched. While the 18 items remained, the definitions and descriptors of many items were clarified in the revised tool. The current WeeFIM II is Version 6.0. Psychometric Data In an early normative study (Msall et al. 1994), 417 typically developing children (ages 6 months to 8 years) were administered the WeeFIM®
Functional Independence Measure (WeeFIM) for Chinese …
WeeFIM is categorized into 2 main functional streams: "Dependent" (ie, requires helper: scores 1-5) and "Independent" (ie, requires no helper: scores 6-7). Scores 1 (total assistance) and 2 (maximal assistance) belonged to the "Complete Dependence" category.
About the WeeFIM - Family Hope Center
Used by pediatric inpatient, outpatient, and community-based rehab programs, the WeeFIM II® System provides a simple, uniform construct that measures function in children. Based on the principal underpinnings of the FIM® instrument, the system allows clinicians to quickly assess functional status and track progression.
Pediatric Inpatient Rehab: WeeFIM Scores Outcomes - Cleveland Clinic
The WeeFIM II® System, a pediatric version of the Functional Independence Measure™ (FIM) System, documents and tracks functional performance in children and adolescents with acquired or congenital disabilities by measuring a child's need …
儿童功能独立性评定量表(WeeFIM) - 百度文库
完全依赖:(1)大量身体接触的帮助(2 分)、(2)完全依赖(1 分) 126 分=完全独立(运动功能评分 91 分,认知功能评分 35 分); 108 分~125 分=基本独立; 90~107 分=有条件的独立或极轻度依赖; 72~89 分轻度依赖; 54~71 分中度依赖; 36~53 分=重度依赖; 19~35 分 ...
WeeFIM儿童功能独立量表详解 - 百度文库
概述 • WeeFIM 共有自理、运动、认知三个维度,18个项目,其中自理包括吃 饭、打扮、洗澡、穿上衣、穿裤子、如厕、大便控制、小便控制等8项; 运动包括椅/轮椅转移、厕所转移、浴盆转移/淋浴、行走/轮椅/慢走、 上下楼梯等5项;认知包括理解、表达 ...