WebPPL - probabilistic programming for the web
WebPPL is a feature-rich probabilistic programming language embedded in Javascript. Check out some demos or try it yourself in the editor below. {method: 'enumerate', maxExecutions: 10}, …
GitHub - probmods/webppl: Probabilistic programming for the web
Probabilistic programming for the web. Install using nodejs: Run WebPPL programs: Require a WebPPL package: See the packages section of our documentation for more information. …
GitHub - Eyewhy/SC1015_Project: weeb ppl doing weeb stuff
Comparing the results from the different models, neural networks performed the best, but this is only true after standardising the numerical data values. Otherwise least squares regression …
WebPPL Documentation — webppl 0.9.13 documentation
Development Workflow Installation from GitHub Updating the npm package Committing changes Modifying .ad.js files Tests Linting Browser version
老外聊天时常用的“fs”“lmao”到底啥意思?跟着谷爱凌学点英文缩 …
这里的“lmao”是“laugh my ass off”,“笑死我了”的意思; “ppl”指的是“people”,人; 而“bc”则是“because”的缩写。 因此这句话理解成中文就是:“笑死我了,所以每次我给别人发我自己的笔记都很不好意思。 ” ez/fs
DanteZeera (@dantezeera) • Threads, Say more
2 天之前 · Gamer, Weeb, love talking to ppl around the globe. No paid promotions,...
What does the word weeb/weeaboo even mean anymore?
2023年2月15日 · In the past, calling somebody as a weeb or weeaboo had negative connotations when pointing out that somebody likes Japanese animated shows or comics. However, today "weeb" is rather a neutral way of saying that somebody is fond of anime and manga; "weeaboo" word is rarely seen nowadays.
Weeb/Weeaboo, do you really feel proud calling yourself that?
Edit for the misunderstandings in the comments: My point is to understand why do ppl who call themselves that feel proud for it not to tell them to stop doing it or something.
What is a Weeb? The definitive (and honest) guide.
Learn what it means to be a “weeb,” where the term comes from, and how to balance passionate fandom with genuine cultural respect. We’ll also dive into the difference between appreciating …
Weeboo - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
A weeaboo, also known as a weeb, is a term used to describe someone who has an unhealthy obsession with Japanese culture. Weeaboos are often seen as cultural appropriators who fetishize and romanticize Japan without understanding or respecting its culture.