Weetabix Hefe....muahahaha - Homebrew Talk
2012年2月12日 · So I received a box of Weetabix from my brother as an Xmas gift (don't ask...he's weird like that). Just checked the ingredients & nutrition info. 100% fermentable. Recipe in the works. :D
Free book on German and Austrian beers - Homebrew Talk
2013年7月28日 · Joined Oct 4, 2013 Messages 1,907 Reaction score 1,355 Location Metrowest, Massachusets.
Picobrew Z | Page 26 - Homebrew Talk
2018年2月13日 · CC2CA398-AF0E-426A-B310-D227880C2E93 by Virginia_Ranger posted Apr 24, 2020 at 1:55 AM Grain bill attached - just did a batch and was 10 points under my expected gravity. I have ALWAYS hit my estimated O.G. From brewers friend at a 62% efficiency- this one came out at 52%. I’m really not sure...
does extract go bad - Homebrew Talk
2020年3月15日 · After several years of being to busy working and raising children to brew I am finally getting back to it. I have a brew kit that's several years old but has been well stored. I am going to assumed the grains are probably no good ( I …