Wenzhou - Wikipedia
Wenzhou is located at the extreme southeast of Zhejiang, bordering Lishui to the west, Taizhou to the north, and the province of Fujian to the south. The area consists of mostly mountainous terrain, as well as hundreds of islands off the East China Sea coast, which is nearly 355 kilometres (221 miles) in length.
周文(Wen Zhou) - Fudan University
Liu Z.C. and W. Zhou *, 2021: The 2019 Autumn Hot Drought Over the Middle-Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River in China: Early Propagation, Process Evolution, and Concurrence. Journal of...
深耕于RNA m6A修饰的基础及转化研究,鉴定出一类新型m6A “阅读器”,发现RNA m6A修饰受组蛋白修饰调控的新机制,并对m6A修饰在肿瘤中的功能及靶向展开了深入的探索。 1、中国科学技术部, 国家重点研发计划“干细胞及转化研究”重点专项子课题, 2020YFA0112403, 中胚层特异干细胞的体外获得及调控(“中胚层特异干细胞的建立与调控”项目子课题), 2020-10 至 2024-12, 738万元, 在研, 主持. 2、国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,82270168,RNA m6A甲基化阅读 …
郑庆舒 - 组员介绍 - 上海交通大学刘家旺课题组
Zheng, M. Deng, X. Liu, Z. Chen, Y. Wang, Y. Ling*, L. Weng, Y. Zhou*. A porous metal-organic framework constructed from carboxylate-pyrazolate shared heptanuclear zinc clusters: synthesis, gas adsorption and guest-dependent luminescent properties .
zhenyu weng - Google Scholar
Watermarking Deep Neural Networks with Greedy Residuals. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern … Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34...
Liqin Zhou - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
C Zhao, L Zhou, Z Zhang, Z Gao, H Weng, W Zhang, L Li, YY Song. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (22), 9931-9937, 2020. 23: 2020: Experimental evidence of anomalously large superconducting gap on topological surface state of β-Bi2Pd film.
Ryan Weng Zhou - Physician Information - CPSO
Kun Zhou
I am a Cheung Kong Professor of computer science at Zhejiang University. I received my PhD degree from Zhejiang University. After graduation I spent six years with Microsoft Research Asia, and was a lead researcher of the graphics group before moving back to Zhejiang University.
Peng Zhou
Currently, I am a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) advised by Dr. Pan Jia. Before that, I worked at the Robotic and Machine Intelligence (ROMI) Lab and received my Ph.D. degree in Robotics from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, under the supervision of Dr. David Navarro-Alarcon.
WengZhou (@weng_zhou_) • Instagram photos and videos
262 Followers, 755 Following, 1 Posts - WengZhou (@weng_zhou_) on Instagram: "@lwxing_0124 州"