Wenqi Liu | Supramolecular Chemistry | USF
This research group is led by Prof. Wenqi "Vince" Liu. We are located at the Department of Chemistry, University of South Florida. Our research embraces supramolecular chemistry and molecular materials through organic synthesis.
Dr. Wenqi Liu | wenqi
Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry, University of South Florida 4202 E. Fowler Ave, Tampa, FL, 33620 Email: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-6408-0204; ResearchID: T-1712-2019 Google Scholar Research Gate LinkedIn Curriculum Vitae
Wenqi Liu - Google Scholar
University of South Florida - Cited by 1,555 - Supramolecular Chemistry - Physical Organic Chemistry - Photochemistry - Molecular Machine
Wenqi Liu - Google Scholar
Geography Department, Oklahoma State University - Cited by 95 - Interactions among physical chemical and biological processes - Land use and land cover change
Wenqi Liu Research Group at USF
Our research aims to tackle critical societal challenges in energy, health, and environmental sciences. The students will receive multidisciplinary training and have diverse career pathways in academia, industry, and others. Molecular recognition is ubiquitous in biology and plays a critical role in sustaining complex bioactivities.
Wenqi LIU | Assistant Professor | Ph.D / Supramolecular Organic ...
Wenqi LIU, Assistant Professor | Cited by 1,159 | of University of South Florida, FL (USF) | Read 43 publications | Contact Wenqi LIU
Wenqi Liu (0000-0001-6408-0204) - ORCID
ORCID record for Wenqi Liu. ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
Wenqi LIU | PhD | Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing | CAS
Wenqi LIU, PhD | Cited by 922 | of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (CAS) | Read 16 publications | Contact Wenqi LIU
Wenqi Liu, Ph.D - Goldman Sachs | LinkedIn
PhD major in Electrical & Computer Engineering with research focusing on graph/knowledge… · Experience: Goldman Sachs · Education: University of Louisville · Location: New York City Metropolitan...
Wenqi Liu at University of South Florida | Rate My Professors
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