Complete Guide to Wererats - EN World
2002年12月21日 · The section on wererat characters introduces wererats as a character race and three new wererat character classes; the ratcaller, the shifter and the weaver. The ratcaller is the name for wererat priests who venerate the Rat, a lawful evil force. They have access to the domains of Animal, Earth and Trickery. The shifter is a quasi-prestige class.
D&D 5E PC Wererat Ideas - EN World
2015年12月22日 · This can create balance issues, since some wererat powers (I'm looking at you, immunity to nonmagic nonsilver weapon damage!) are pretty bonkers. Especially for level 3 characters! I have some ideas for slowly building up to full wererat power over time that I think will reign in the worst excesses. Curious to see what other people think of them.
D&D 5E Werewolves/rats and damage immunity - EN World
2015年11月17日 · Here's some out of the box thinking. Reward the PC's for researching their opponent before charging headlong into battle. If they determine they're up against a wererat, then smart PC's will research how to kill one. If they want to solve the problem with their swords and fists instead of their heads, they will get what they deserve.
D&D (2024) Lycanthropes in the MM - EN World
Yeah. I mean, while 2014 had rules for lycanthrope and vampire PCs, they weren't good rules. In one of my first ever 5e campaigns, one of the PCs got turned into a wererat and instantly became overpowered thanks to the damage immunities. Even regeneration would've been too OP for a …
D&D 5E 5E - Curing Lycanthropy - EN World
2017年2月17日 · Belladonna Cure for Lycanthropy (5E) Belladonna 25gp per dose To cure Lycanthropy that has been possible inflicted during a were-creature’s attack. The following method must take place within 72 hours of the exposure. 3 doses of Belladonna ingested successfully in a row. A minimum of one long rest must be completed over the dosing time.
D&D 5E were-curse and races - EN World
2021年1月26日 · The 5e Monster Manual states that if a lycanthrope embraces their curse, their alignment changes to match the NPC statblock of their form. For werewolves specifically, this would be Chaotic Evil. If they try to resist the curse, they …
D&D 5E - Are Gargoyles, Elementals in general and ... - EN World
2019年1月9日 · In the campaign I'm running as a DM the adventurers are going to meet and probably fight Gargoyles, Elementals and a Wererat, and the Sorcerer has just selected the Sleep Spell as her new spell. I need to know if, according to …
Lycanthrope Gods | EN World D&D & Tabletop RPG News
2004年2月28日 · I don't think any deity claims wererats specifically in their portfolio, but Malar, Mask and Shar are all good picks. Of course, wererats are generally lawful evil, which none of the aforementioned deities are... While Malar is the deity of evil lycanthropes, he is chaotic evil. Gargauth might be an interesting choice for a wererat, actually.
D&D 5E - The Domains of Dread, listed by the power of their
2021年5月20日 · Richemulot: Jacqueline Renier (Wererat, CR 2) Falkovnia: Vladeska Drakov (Knight, CR 3) Mordent: Wilfred Godefroy (Ghost, CR 4) Valachan: Chakuna (Weretiger, CR 4) The Carnival: Isolde and Nepenthe (CR 5) Dementlieu: Saidra D'Honaire (Wraith, CR 5) Tepest: Mother Lorinda (Green Hag in Coven, CR 5) I'Cath: Tsien Chiang (Mage, CR 6)
D&D 5E [SPOILERS] Extending Waterdeep: Dragon Heist - EN World
2019年10月10日 · D&D 5E Dungeon of the Mad Mage - complete! pukunui; Sep 1, 2024 *Dungeons & Dragons 2. Replies 12 Views 3K.