Why Indonesian use "WKWKWK" instead of "HAHAHA" ? - YouTube
Many Foreigners are asking about why many Indonesian use "WKWKWK" instead of "Hahaha" to express the laughing sound in Social-Media. This is the answer. The ...
【一起来吐槽】为什么印尼“wkwkwk”表示“哈哈哈” - 知乎
由于 wkwkwk 的过于 火爆和滥用,导致了其含义从之前的 嘲讽般微笑,变成了现在 无奈的尬笑。 这个和我们之前 “呵呵呵呵呵呵” 的遭遇是一样一样的。 哈哈,女神你在做什么? - 呵呵. 并感受你 嘲讽而善意 的捧腹大笑吧! 真的是“发发发”嘛? 想了解更多印尼信息嘛? 关注我吧,持续更新印尼相关文章! 普通青年的笑:哈哈哈~ 憨厚大叔的笑:呵呵呵~ 开车司机的笑:嘿嘿嘿~ 软萌妹子的笑:嘤嘤嘤~ 智障儿童的笑:娃哈哈~ 福建小哥的笑:发发发~ 广东人:。 作为 千笑之国大 …
"the wkwkwk"是什么意思? -关于印尼语 | HiNative
the wkwkwkWkwk is slang and originated from the online gamers culture if i recall correctly. It got popular and everyone is using it nowadays.|Laughing out loud|it's 'hahahahah'|we often use Hahahah too, but Wkwkwk is more informal and only used towards your peers and friends|@maudytastic13 anytime|it means hahahahahhaha|tergantung orangnya sih, kadang hahaha , kadang wkwkwk|it's hahaha|it's ...
wkwkwk - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年3月9日 · From the abbreviation of gue (written as ‘w’) and ketawa (written as ‘k’) as a way to reduce carrier fees. SMS language, or. Altered from wakakaka or wekwekwek (satirical …
Why Indonesians Use ‘wkwkwk’ Instead Of ‘hahaha
2019年7月11日 · Why do Indonesians use wkwkwk instead of hahaha? It’s an age-old question that doesn’t have a definitive answer. We’ve done the due diligence, and have put together the 3 most convincing theories. Which one is the source of truth? You can decide for yourself. 1. Slang Origins. 2. Gaming Origins + K is closer to your right hand than H. 3.
What is the meaning of "wkwkwkwk"? - Question about Indonesian
2020年1月18日 · Definition of wkwkwkwk "hahaha"|in Indonesia wkwkw have same meaning with lol, and because you're Indonesian, i can tell you a little about wkwkw. wkwkwk itu singkatan dari wakak atau ketawa ngakak, jadi ketawa ngakak wakak wk wkwkwkwk cmiiw|I'm laughing when Indonesian asking about wkwkwkw I guess mostly of Indonesian understand what it means|It's how Indonesians say lol, it's more like a ...
WTES vs Dunbar - 𝗛𝗜𝗚𝗛 𝗦𝗖𝗛𝗢𝗢𝗟 𝗙𝗢𝗢𝗧𝗕𝗔𝗟𝗟 ((Wfkwk)) - YouTube
WTES Vs Dunbar 🏈 𝗛𝗜𝗚𝗛 𝗦𝗖𝗛𝗢𝗢𝗟 𝗙𝗢𝗢𝗧𝗕𝗔𝗟𝗟 🏈 🅰️𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦: WTES 🅱️𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦: Dunbar ...
WFKW - YouTube
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ネットで目にした「ワクテカ」って何? 意味や由来、顔文字まで …
2020年10月16日 · 「ワクワクテカテカ」の「ワクワク」は「心が弾んでいる様子」、「テカテカ」は「顔や体が光っている様子」を表すオノマトペです。 この2つが組み合わさり、「期待や喜びで非常に心が弾んでいる様子」を表しています。 また、キーボードで入力するときに「wakuteka」と打つことから、「ワクテカ」をさらに省略をして「wktk」と表記することもありますよ。 「ワクテカ」は、ネット掲示板の2ちゃんねるで生まれた言葉です。 ネット上では「 …
Urban Dictionary: Wkwk
2023年3月8日 · Indonesian netizens often use it to express joy, pleasure, and amusement at something that makes them laugh. Equivalent to LOL in English. “If someone calls you ugly, …