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Gearboxes of the WAF, WGF and WGV series have been specially designed for work boats such as inland waterway vessels, tugs, trawlers, ferries and special-purpose ships with similarly high performance demands.
WAF, WGF und WGV Getriebe in Standardausführung. Für die endgültige Wahl des Getriebes sind jedoch aus schließlich die Angaben in den gesonderten Getriebeauswahl tabellen maßgeblich. Wende-Untersetzungsgetriebe mit Wellenbremse, vertikal achsversetzt
WGV Gearbox type: Reverse reduction gearbox Main application: Workboats Driven component: Fixed Pitch Propeller Shaft rotation: Co- or Counter-rotating shafts Reduction ratios: Standard and custom (on request) Shaft arrangement: Co-axial, intermediate shafts offset Clutch(es): Hydraulically operated clutch(es) Bearing type: Roller bearings
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环境空气 二氧化硫的测定 甲醛吸收-副玫瑰苯胺分光光度法_中华人 …
2009年11月1日 · 本标准自实施之日起,原国家环境保护局1994年10月26日批准、发布的国家环境保护标准《环境空气 二氧化硫的测定 甲醛吸收-副玫瑰苯胺分光光度法》(GB/T 15262-94)废止。
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Workboat Gearboxes - Karl Senner
REINTJES gearboxes of the WAF/LAF, DLG, VA, and SVA/SVAL series have been specially designed for heavy-duty workboat applications such as tugboats, fishing trawlers, inland towboats, ferries, tankers, off-shore vessels, container vessels, and special-purpose ships.
Amazon.com: WGV Rectangle Plate Vase, Length 48", Width 4", …
WGV Rectangle Plate Vase, Length 48", Width 4", Height 4", Glass Container, Floral Dispaly, Candy Holder, Planter Terrarium for Wedding Party Event, Home Office Décor, Clear, 1 Piece. Use: filled with bamboo, roses, orchids, branches, pearls, gems, pebbles, fruits, candle holders.
- 评论数: 146
详解澳大利亚482工作签证,避免入坑上当! - 知乎专栏
三 是482劳动合约签证,可续签,满三年,有机会由雇主担保申请绿卡。 护理、剔骨工就是这个签证。 按照当地法律,雇主在合同中明确约定最低年薪,雇佣的工人,享受政府规定的休假、养老、加班工资、配偶可在当地全职工作、18岁以下子女免费入学等福利待遇。 二、申请条件. (1)获得有担保资格的雇主的职位提名; (2)满足提名职业的技能和资格要求,完成相关的职业技能评估,如电焊; (3) 雅思 或 PTE 单科达到5分,剔骨工只需平均五分; (4)身体健康,无 …
WGV - Watts
Series WGV, WGVS Brass Gate Valves are used in commercial and residential general service applications. They feature a brass body construction, brass non-rising stem and gland, PTFE packing, brass threaded bonnet, brass wedge disc, and cast iron handwheel.
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