Story: Kaitiakitanga – guardianship and conservation - Te Ara: …
Kaitiakitanga means guardianship and protection. It is a way of managing the environment, based on the Māori world view. A kaitiaki is a guardian. This can be a person or group that cares for an area such as a lake or forest. They are given that role by the local iwi. In the Māori world view, people are closely connected to the land and nature.
Māori proverbs – Whakataukī - Massey University
Whakataukī (Māori proverbs) are often used in both formal speeches and everyday conversation. These whakataukī are about aroha (love). Whakataukī in English Unlike a canoe rope, a human bond cannot be severed.
Whakatauki/Whakatauaki – Proverbs of traditional wisdom
Whaia te iti kahurangi ki te tuohu koe he maunga teitei. Seek the treasure you value most dearly; if you bow your head let it be before a lofty mountain. Tangata ako ana i te whare, te turanga ki te marae, tau ana. He tangata takahi manuhiri, he marae puehu. Someone who disregards his visitors will soon find he has no visitors at all.
Page 1. Understanding kaitiakitanga - Te Ara: The Encyclopedia …
Kaitiakitanga means guardianship, protection, preservation or sheltering. It is a way of managing the environment, based on the traditional Māori world view. Traditionally, Māori believe there is a deep kinship between humans and the natural world. All life is connected. People are not superior to the natural order; they are part of it.
Whakataukī are traditional Māori proverbs. They relate to activities in everyday life of traditional Māori people, such as: life living as a community, the home environment, aspects of Tikanga (Māori customs), harvesting times for collecting kai, how to …
Kaitiakitanga | Environment - Ngati Porou
2024年12月2日 · We have examples from our korero tuku iho (oral traditions) that inform us in our role as kaitiaki. The Te Whanau-a-Hinerupe kaumātua Pine Taiapa once shared the story of the coming of the kumara to Aotearoa from Hawaiki.
Kaitiakitanga is more than guardianship - University of Auckland
2023年4月5日 · In Aotearoa New Zealand, mātauranga Māori is the distinct knowledge developed by Māori. It includes culture, values and world view. The concept of kaitiakitanga is often (mis)used in the context of conservation and resource management in Aotearoa. In our work, we highlight how kaitiakitanga is inherently linked to other concepts.
Kaitiakitanga – guardianship and conservation - Te Ara: The ...
Kaitiakitanga means guardianship, protection, preservation or sheltering. It is a way of managing the environment, based on the traditional Māori world view. Traditionally, Māori believe there is a deep kinship between humans and the natural world. All life is connected. People are not superior to the natural order; they are part of it.
Kaitiakitanga - An early childhood perspective - Cyrus
Kaitiakitanga is based on traditional Māori views and incorporates a strong connection between spirituality, people, and the natural world. Māori believe that the tangata whenua/people of the land, have a responsibility towards the protection or guardianship of Papatūānuku.
Kaitiaki and Kaitiakitanga - reomaorimai.co.nz
2025年1月16日 · It's important to recognise that not all kupu Māori have an English equivalent - and the kupu 'kaitiaki' (and derived noun 'kaitiakitanga) is one such example. The kupu 'kaitiaki' traditionally refers to non-human entities such as atua, tipua, taniwha or manaia.
3 Māori Concepts That Will Change The Way You See The World
Manakitanga means to extend aroha (love and compassion) to others. It is found in acts such as helping a loved one, encouraging one another or even supporting a complete stranger. Manaakitanga is one of the most important concepts to Māori people as it secures the strength of our whānau (families) and communities. How To Extend Manaakitanga:
What is kaitiakitanga? - Environment Guide
2018年2月8日 · What is kaitiakitanga? The connection between land management and impacts on the marine environment are critical to coastal Māori. Gathering kaimoana, both for sustenance and to provide for visitors, is an integral component of Māori life.
Kaitiakitanga is a way of acting and thinking that is rooted in te ao Māori [the Māori world] but is significant for all New Zealanders. Kaitiakitanga is also significant for the Marine Stewardship Council who work internationally as guardian of the ocean as they attempt to put an end to unsustainable fishing practices.
What is Kaitiakitanga? Māori Eco Stewardship - Twinkl
Kaitiakitanga means the act of protecting, the responsibility of stewardship, and, from a Māori worldview - the authority entrusted to the people of the land to live in a way that ensures that whenua (land), wai (water sources), Ranginui (sky father) remains in a …
Kōrero with Stacey: How Māori proverbs reveal a poetic ... - WOMAN
Kaitiakitanga (guardianship) is a commonly used word that carries huge responsibility. True kaitiaki (guardians) will think and act for the generations ahead, not just the needs of people today. They will invest in the sustenance and health of Papatūānuku. Many whakataukī (proverbs) remind us of how we are to regard the environment.
Kaitiakitanga : Māori experiences, expressions, and …
Whānau and kuia are considered key knowledge holders in the human realm, and they are crucial to maintaining and sustaining kaitiakitanga practices. This study identifies human beings as ‘kaitiaki’, where traditionally kaitiaki were understood only as spiritual beings and guides, and these roles are determined by whānau, hapū, and iwi.
Our Whakataukī — Community Research
The whakataukī tells how Tāne asended to Te Toi-o-ngā-rangi, the highest heaven, to obtain ngā kete o wānanga – the three kete (baskets) of mātauranga (knowledge) – and bring down to earth for all to share. Human life and knowledge were said to …
On Kaitiakitanga by Kahu Kutia | Yu Mei
The understanding that the earth can and should endure long after we do, a long-held Māori worldview which is encompassed in this whakatauki: Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitū te whenua / As man disappears from sight, the land remains
Storying Kaitiakitanga - Our Land & Water - Toitū te Whenua, …
2022年11月15日 · This article explores the Indigenous principle of kaitiakitanga as it relates to Māori agrifood practices. Our discussion is based on interviews with a small cross-section…
Māori world-views - National Library of New Zealand
Provides an example of kaitiakitanga (fulfilling the obligation for 'taking care of') to demonstrate the potential within Maori worldviews, as part of the multi-dimensional and interconnected nature of the Maori Cultural Order. Uses whakatauki (valued and wise cultural sayings) to illustrate their flexibility and supportiveness in any kaupapa.