word choice - Is it 'what it looks like' or 'how it looks like ...
2014年12月6日 · However, let me add that as much as it is grammatically incorrect, you can find any number of occurrences of the phrase in daily use. You will not see "how it looks like" in the writing of learned English users, though. According to Google nGram, "how it looks like" is hardly used in Google Books. We may suppose that the difference is between ...
If you think you look good in the mirror, do you actually look
2019年3月11日 · Like, when someone takes a photo of me, I look like when you look at someone else's reflection in the mirror. I liken myself to Sloth from the Goonies, two different sized eyes, fatter face, big bags under my eyes. But in the mirror I look fine.
Do you look like you do in the mirror? : r/beauty - Reddit
2020年10月24日 · Take a picture using the front facing camera then again using the camera on the back of your phone. The front facing shows what you what you see in the mirror. A reflection. The back camera shows what you actually look like. (If that is what you mean. Otherwise I'm not sure about this subject)
Do phone cameras capture your true looks? : r/beauty - Reddit
there's some people who use filters so much that they actually start to believe that's what they look like. and then there's those who get surgery to look like their filtered appearance, too, which is unrealistic. it's not helpful to use filters at all. fixing up a photo in a few ways is better than completely altering your appearance with a ...
Do I look more like what I see in the mirror or iPhone camera?
You look more like the mirror. A normal mirror reflection is a direct light reflection. A camera has lens distortion which makes you look different, this is especially true on cellphones as they often have a very wide angle lens so you can get more people into the photo.
I look ugly on the phone camera. I don’t know if I’m ugly? I like …
Your phone camera, especially the selfie feature, is not an accurate representation of what you look like due to lots of camera and image capturing based stuff. The mirror is more accurate. Don’t panic! I look like my face is literally made up of two different people (hella asymmetrical) but in the mirror and in real life I don’t look like ...
Is it true that the inverted filter is how we appear to others?
2021年8月26日 · All of this isnt left without saying that you dont look anything like you do in a a selfie camera anyways, 4:3 ratios are not real life. Our eyes are much bigger, our faces are much wider, our noses and mouths are much narrower than what said ratio likes to depict.
When you reicarnate do you look the same as you were before
2022年11月6日 · Another way, lessons/experiences learned before stay with you. You may not know how it feels to be short in this life, but you are more understanding and attentive to short people problems. Some things that feel like intuition or being compassionate/attentive can come from forgotten experiences. If you do look the same, there is probably a ...
'This is how I look like' OR 'This is how do I look like'
2020年7月10日 · The main point is that you should not combine 'how' and 'like' in the way you did in your question header. This is because they perform different but parallel functions: 'like' is an implied comparison ('I look like the person in this photograph' for example) whereas 'how' is an abstract statement or question with no comparison.
Whom/Who do I look like? - English Language & Usage Stack …
2019年4月14日 · And you can tell that it is the right way bc if you turn the sentence around you would say, "Do I look like him?" Or "Do I look like her?" Whom stands in for Him / Her and Who stands in for He / She. I believe He / She / Who are called subject pronouns. And Him / Her / Whom are object pronouns.