Is Infinity x 0 Equal to Zero? - Physics Forums
2017年1月25日 · I mean, infinity times zero is the same as zero an infinite amount of times, and adding zero infinitely would give zero because even though zero is always being added, this process is the same as nothing ever being added to zero.
Understanding the Relationship Between 0 and Infinity - Physics …
2005年7月8日 · How does 0 touch infinity. Both are the same value, and start at 0, so for there to be infinity either infinity starts from infinity, or infinity starts from 0. In fact infinity has both values. It starts from 0, and infinity. Because infinity travels to 0, and zero travels to infinity. 0 Goes both ways. Positive and negative, so infinity must ...
What Does 1 Divided by Infinity Equal? - Physics Forums
2003年3月26日 · The numbers to the left of the pipe (|) are the ordinary real digit of the transfinite number. The next grouping left are multiplied by infinity, the next grouping left are multiplied by infinity^2, etc. The grouping to the right of the pipe is divided by infinity, the next to the right is divided by infinity^2, etc.
What is the value of e^-j(infinity) - Physics Forums
2012年6月24日 · Infinity is not a number, it is not a very large quantity. Infinity is a symbol that behaves in a certain way. Infinity is a symbol that behaves in a certain way. so i think you can treat ∞ - i∞ as ∞ - ∞
Why 1 / ∞ = 0 but ∞ * 0 is not equal to 1? - Physics Forums
2021年12月19日 · The problem with infinity is it is not a number, it is a label for the furthest point on the number line named so we can talk about not so we can do arithmetic with it. As you noted, zero times any number is 0 and a number times its reciprocal is 1 but when using infinity as a number you get confusing ambiguous answers and so mathematicians ...
Why the Need of Infinity in Physics - Physics Forums
2016年1月12日 · A physicist cannot perceive infinity through his senses. In Newtonian mechanics, you can replace the mathematical infinity with an arbitrarily large number (Avogadro’s number expressed in meters, seconds, km/s, Joules), and some integrals will need computer power to be performed. You can remove infinity from this theory at a conceptual level.
Where do we use infinity in physics, and why? - Physics Forums
2016年12月15日 · But the Infinity that's associated with, say, the forces involved with the Inverse Square law, as objects get closer and closer, is more problematic. You get the problem of the 'Infinity' that you get with 1/x 2 as x approaches zero. That's far harder to deal with unless you acknowledge that the inverse square law has to stop operating for a ...
The behaviour of e^x near infinity and -infinity - Physics Forums
2008年6月1日 · Homework Statement I have done an integration and ended up with the result [-c/2 * [e^(-2x)]] |^infinity_0 = 1 The solution is that c=2 so that... Insights Blog -- Browse All Articles -- Physics Articles Physics Tutorials Physics Guides Physics FAQ Math Articles Math Tutorials Math Guides Math FAQ Education Articles Education Guides Bio/Chem ...
Is the Limit of (1 + 1/b)^b as b Approaches Infinity Equal to e?
2012年3月8日 · However, it can be shown that in general, 1 to the power of infinity is equal to e^x for any x. This is why we leave it undefined and treat it similarly to dividing by 0, as it has multiple values. Additionally, the exponential function e^s, where s is a complex number, is single-valued in C but has an essential singularity at infinity.
How to understand the image of lens at infinity - Physics Forums
2009年8月15日 · As the object passes through the focal point the image distance changes sign. The real image moves to positive infinity disappears then reappears as a virtual image at negative infinity. This behavior can be observed with a magnifying lens. Just look through it and watch the image as your eye passes through the focal point.