What is the difference between O & O2 - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2017年1月10日 · O is a singular oxygen atom. O 2 is a molecule made of two oxygen molecules. Our atmosphere is made of mostly O 2, which our bodies have evolved to breathe. We breathe in O 2 and cellular respiration requires it (C 6 H 12 O 6 +6O 2 →6CO 2 +6H 2 O). O is oxygen, while O 2 is dioxygen.
Did O₄ turn out to explain why liquid oxygen appeared to defy …
2020年6月2日 · Formation of truly long-living molecular O4 units also occurs but involves a considerably smaller fraction of O $_{2}$ molecules. So, it would seem that O $_{4}$ units, whether long lived 'molecules' or temporary short ranged order is the answer to the deviation from Curie's law in liquid oxygen.
Why can't O form OF6? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2019年9月11日 · Not much electronegativity difference between O and F. The atomic size of Oxygen is not sufficient for it to hold 6 atoms. So which one is likely to be more appropriate, the d-orbital theory or the electronegativity and atomic size theory?
How to calculate hydrogen from SMILES string?
2016年1月6日 · The third C has a branch and an O (the chain continues after the braces close) which would have a single H attached, the third carbon has no H as the branch is attached via a double bond. (so far we have 3H) The first C in the branch has no H and attaches to another branch and another O with an H. The first C in the second branch has a single H.
Why is H2O2 named hydrogen peroxide? - Chemistry Stack …
2016年6月10日 · Hydrogen peroxide, on the other hand, as is evident from the structure in figure 2 below, contains not two $\ce{O^2-}$ units but a single $\ce{O2^2-}$ unit, composed of two oxygens bound to each other. This means that oxygen’s oxidation state is $\mathrm{-I}$ rather than $\mathrm{-II}$ and that hydrogen peroxide is readily reduced.
inorganic chemistry - Predicting bond-strength of metal carbonyls ...
2014年2月6日 · Since $\ce{Mn+}$ has the highest charge density, I would assume that the $\ce{M-C}$ bond strength of the manganese compound is the strongest (vanadium being the weakest) and therefore, the $\ce{C-O}$ bond strength must follow the opposite order, as the strengthening of the metal carbonyl bond should weaken the carbon oxygen bond.
organic chemistry - Why is ortho-hydroxybenzoic acid more acidic …
2018年2月21日 · This could be thought as an equivalent to the chelation effect in metal complexes. Lastly, one could also argue that in the case of o-hydroxybenzoinc acid, there is both the option of intermolecular and intramolecular $\ce{H}$-bonding compared to the para where there is only intermolecular $\ce{H}$-bonding.
Does H2O2 break down into H2O + O or H2O + O2?
2015年9月4日 · The main question is that manufactures also claim that it will provide DO, dissolved oxygen, to the solution. I find this hard to believe. Reason being, DO refers to dissolved $\ce{O2}$ (Dioxide) not Monoxide. When $\ce{H2O2}$ breaks down it breaks down to $\ce{H2O + O}$ (free radical), right? Can you please put some clarity into this?
biochemistry - What is the nature of the Fe–O2 binding in …
The main problem was the fact that dioxygen readily oxidised simple Fe(II) complexes to Fe(III). Initially, Co(II) complexes (which only have one unpaired electron) were used: EPR studies showed that the unpaired electron was localised on oxygen, 4,5 and the length of the O–O bond resembled that of superoxide: 6
What is the difference between the structure of nitrito-O and …
2016年7月20日 · In this case, $\ce{NO2}$ is called ambident ligand and is represented as nitrito-κ-N and nitrito-κ-O, replacing the old system of trivial names such as nitro and nitroso. Organic chemistry Alkyl nitrite forms two isomers: $\ce{RNO2}$ (called alkyl nitrite- N ) and $\ce{R-O-N=O}$ (called alkyl nitrite- O ).For preparation of these two isomers ...