BMPT Terminator - Wikipedia
BMPT ("Terminator 3") – is a new design model of Tank Support Fighting Vehicle based on the Armata Universal Combat Platform with a crew of 3 or 4. Possible armament would be one or two 57 mm autocannons (ammo storage problem), 4x ATGM Sprinter, 2x AGS-40 Balkan automatic grenade launchers, one or two 7.62 mm PKTM machine guns.
BMPT - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BMPT 坦克支援战车 (俄语: Боевая машина поддержки танков,缩写:БМПТ ,拉丁化:BMPT“坦克支援战车”,俄联邦装甲车辆管理总局(ГАБТУ)199号工程 [2])是 俄罗斯联邦 研发的装甲车辆,用以支援坦克及步兵作战行动,尤其是於 巷战 之中。 因其火力強大而得「终结者」(俄语: Терминатор)之非正式绰号 [1]。 这款战车可以溯源到1994年的 第一次车臣战争。 当时俄军组织一系列进攻车臣城市的战斗,战斗中俄军损失大量有生力軍和装备的同时却没有得到 …
苏俄火力支援车发展史(下)——BMPT 终结者 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年8月9日 · 有趣的事实是,BMPT (Mod.2000)是苏俄第一辆安装“化石”系统的装甲车辆,此时“化石”首上防护套件仍未做修型,车体首上拖车钩区域仍存在一块弱区(后续所有“化石”首上防护套件都改善了这个问题) BMPT sp1. (Mod.2000)和BMPT-72,可以看出BMPT sp1. (Mod.2000)车体首上拖车钩位置仍未被“化石”爆炸性反应装甲套件保护,而后续所有BMPT(或安装“化石”的主战坦克)都改善了这一问题。 【2】BMPT sp2. (Mod.2002) 2002年,一辆使用了BMPT sp1.车体 …
BMPT Terminator - Tank Encyclopedia
2016年5月26日 · The BMPT is powered by a V-92S2 (2000 rpm, V12, 4-stroke, multi-fuel, liquid cooling, and turbocharger) engine that churns out about 1000 hp. Combined with the weight (48 tonnes, 53 short tons, and 47 long tons) of the BMPT, it has a power-to-weight ratio of 20-21 hp/t, with a range of 550 km and a speed of 60 km/h on hard roads.
BMPT: The story of Terminator - Battle Machines
2024年4月21日 · It was purpose built to protect tanks from threats close by and at angles that a tank’s heavy main gun cannot engage. While fearsome, their limited numbers have made sightings rare and usage in Ukraine even rarer. Today we will discuss the origins of this vehicle, its limitations and capabilities.
BMPT:通往终结者之路 ·1 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
BMPT的概念最早可以追溯到冷战时期,彼时阿富汗圣战者在山地和丘陵间给了苏军一个沉重的教训:步兵可以轻易在高地上攻击到任何装甲车辆薄弱的顶部,而标准的 BMP-1 却因为火炮仰角不够而无法攻击敌人(它的射速也不佳)。 这种窘境的临时解决方案是使用防空车辆,比方说以 ZSU-23-4 在拆除雷达后实行平射以作地面支援,然而,装甲薄弱的防空车辆因此而产生的损失同样也很大。 这个问题直到 BMP-2 [1] 的出现才有所缓解,尽管那很大程度上是学习西方步兵 …
BMPT Tank Support Combat Vehicle - Army Technology
2011年4月6日 · Boyevaya Mashina Podderzhki Tankov (BMPT), also called the Terminator, is a tank support fighting vehicle developed in Russia. It was developed by Uralvagonzavod Production Association State Unitary Enterprise and Urals Transport Machinery Design Bureau Federal State Unitary Enterprise.
BMPT Terminator | Military Wiki - Fandom
The BMPT "Terminator" is a post-Cold war armored fighting vehicle (AFV) designed and manufactured by the Russian company, Uralvagonzavod. This vehicle was designed for supporting tanks and other AFVs in urban areas .
BMPT Tank Support Combat Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
The BMPT tank support combat vehicle combines powerful weapons with heavy armour protection which facilitate armour support operations, in particular by defeating tank-dangerous targets of an...
BMP-T Tank Support Fighting Vehicle (TSFV) - Armored Vehicles
2019年12月30日 · The BMPT (also known as the BMPT Terminator) is a Tank Support Fighting Vehicle (TSFV) which was developed primarily for the aim of supporting tanks in mainly urban areas; however the tank also has the ability of supporting infantry in urban environments as well.