- Radio pulsars are a distinct subclass of pulsars that have periods between 1.56 ms and 100 ms and exhibit very small period derivatives, indicating low magnetic fields.了解详细信息:Radio pulsars are a distinct subclass of pulsars that have periods between 1.56 ms and 100 ms and exhibit very small period derivatives, indicating low magnetic fields.www.sciencedirect.com/topics/physics-and-astrono…Pulsars are magnetized neutron stars that appear to emit periodic short pulses of radio radiation with periods between 1.4 ms and 8.5 s.www.cv.nrao.edu/~sransom/web/Ch6.htmlRadio pulsars are neutron stars with an immensely strong magnetic field. They rotate and accelerate electrons in their vicinity to close to the speed of light.einsteinathome.org/science/brpIt is the spinning relic of a neutron star, the superdense, no-longer-shining core of a large star that got fatally compressed in a supernova implosion.public.nrao.edu/radio-astronomy/pulsars/A pulsar is an extra-terrestrial source of radiation that has a regular periodicity, usually detected in the form of short bursts of radio emission.astronomy.swin.edu.au/cosmos/P/Pulsar
What are pulsars? | Space
Pulsars Astronomy – National Radio Astronomy …
2016年12月22日 · From the Earth, a pulsar looks like a star that has a pulse, a rapid beat picked up only by radio telescopes. Discoverers Jocelyn Bell and Antony Hewish noticed that these beats were so regular that they seemed …
Chapter 6 Pulsars - National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Pulsar | Cosmic Object, Neutron Star, Radio Wave …
2025年1月11日 · pulsar, any of a class of cosmic objects, the first of which were discovered through their extremely regular pulses of radio waves. Some objects are known to give off short rhythmic bursts of visible light, X-rays, and gamma …
Radio Pulsars - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Introduction to Pulsars - NASA
Pulsars: The Universe's Gift to Physics - National Radio …
2012年2月19日 · Pulsars are neutron stars that emit beams of radio waves outward from the poles of their magnetic fields. When their rotation spins a beam across the Earth, radio telescopes detect that as a "pulse" of radio waves.
Pulsars – PULSE@Parkes
What is a pulsar? A pulsar is a rapidly rotating neutron star with a extremely strong magnetic field and intense beams of radiation from the magnetic poles. As it rotates if the beams of radio …
Radio Pulsars - Astrophysics Spectator