My bees tier list, if you have any questions about it feel ... - Reddit
2022年1月3日 · 33 votes, 56 comments. 46K subscribers in the BeeSwarmSimulator community. For all things Bee Swarm Simulator, a ROBLOX game by Onett!
What Is The Best Bee Of Each Rarity And Why? : …
2024年1月7日 · as for mythic precise bee alone is very solid. in fact, may be more useful than a fuzzy bee alone. if we are considering gifted bees then fuzzy bee would definitely outshine precise. As for event bees there’s a bit of heat between tabby and digital. based on utility/usefulness for the hive def digital. but if we basing it off the bee’s ...
Gifted bee Tier list. : r/BeeSwarmSimulator - Reddit
2022年4月15日 · 63 votes, 43 comments. 45K subscribers in the BeeSwarmSimulator community. For all things Bee Swarm Simulator, a ROBLOX game by Onett!
My Bee Swarm sim bee tier list : r/BeeSwarmSimulator - Reddit
2021年1月4日 · (The other three mythics are the ones that are good when rolling for a single colour hive, so I would have preferred rolling...nearly any other mythic in mass numbers). S-tier should probably be Vicious (best attack bee) Tabby (best convert bee) and Windy (best pollen collecting bee). A: Yeah, seems reasonable assuming we're talking Gifted ...
what's the best mythic bee? : r/BeeSwarmSimulator - Reddit
2023年9月3日 · 50K subscribers in the BeeSwarmSimulator community. For all things Bee Swarm Simulator, a ROBLOX game by Onett
Bee Tier List (gifted bonuses included). Criticism appreciated
2020年7月22日 · 92 votes, 75 comments. 46K subscribers in the BeeSwarmSimulator community. For all things Bee Swarm Simulator, a ROBLOX game by Onett!
Best mutation for every mythic? : r/BeeSwarmSimulator - Reddit
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Rank all the Mythic Bees, Strongest to Weakest of them all.
2023年1月8日 · Tadpole bee. Frogs are best producers of bubbles which repairs flowers and gives an ok amount of honey. Gives baby love (not the best source) when gifted which grants 2x pollen. Vector bee. Decent bee by itself, but far better in numbers since mark surge works very will with other mark tokens.
Which event bee should I get : r/BeeSwarmSimulator - Reddit
97 votes, 83 comments. 49K subscribers in the BeeSwarmSimulator community. For all things Bee Swarm Simulator, a ROBLOX game by Onett!
Best bees for early game? : r/BeeSwarmSimulator - Reddit
Both really good early. Diamond bees are kinda useless at the beginning though. At most one gifted, if not gifted change it. You can drop baby bee too, not worth it now with limited bee slots. For me worked best a bunch of frosty/ninja bees. 3-4 music bees and more token link bees. Frosty is awesome for how easy it is to get it.