Kilimanjaro - Education | National Geographic Society
Located in Tanzania, Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa’s tallest mountain at about 5,895 meters (19,340 feet). It is the largest free-standing mountain rise in the world, meaning it is not part of a mountain range.
Explorer Home - National Geographic Society
Jan 1, 2017 · Land Education A Day in the Park. Project start: 2017-01-01. Project end: 2018-01-31. Project location: Tanzania
Explorer Home - National Geographic Society
From trekking in the Himalayas and climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, to studying monkeys in Uganda and lemurs in Malagasy, her experiences have fostered a deep appreciation for diverse cultures and environments.
Hot Spot Volcanism - Education
Apr 30, 2024 · A hot spot is fed by a region deep within Earth ’s mantle from which heat rises through the process of convection.This heat facilitates the melting of rock at the base of the lithosphere, where the brittle, upper portion of the mantle meets Earth’s crust.The melted rock, known as magma, often pushes through cracks in the crust to form volcanoes.. Hot spot volcanism is unique because it ...
Rift Valley - Education
Jan 4, 2024 · The Gregory Rift stretches from the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea to as far south as Mount Kilimanjaro. One of the most important features of the Gregory Rift is the Afar Triple Junction, found where the Horn of Africa straddles the …
Education Resources - National Geographic Society
National Geographic is where education meets exploration. We are transforming the learning experience for young people and the educators who reach them with the tools, resources, and support they need to feed their curiosity and become the explorers of tomorrow.
3 of 4 erosion noun act in which earth is worn away, often by water, wind, or ice. fertile adjective able to produce crops or sustain agriculture.
Explorer Home - National Geographic Society
Jan 1, 2011 · His fieldwork has brought him to the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, the depths of the oceans, the icy permafrost of Alaska, and the glaciers of Kilimanjaro. Hand has been featured in television documentaries for National Geographic, Discovery, and PBS, and in the IMAX film Aliens of the Deep.
Cerro Aconcagua - Education
Oct 19, 2023 · Cerro Aconcagua, often referred to as simply Aconcagua, is a mountain in Argentina near its border with Chile. Aconcagua is the highest peak in the Western Hemisphere. It is more than 6,706 meters (22,000 feet) high, though the exact height of its highest . peak has been the subject of some debate.. Aconcagua is part of the Andes Mountains chain. The mountain is believed to have its origins in ...
cloud forest on the side of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. What Makes Them Special? Since they are almost always covered in clouds, tropical montane cloud forests have very unique climate conditions. This affects the plants and animals living in the forest and the ecosystem as a whole.