Possible Causes Of 'White Bumps' On Hands And Fingers
2021年6月17日 · When splinters remain lodged in the skin and new skin forms around them, this often results in thickened and hardened patches of skin, which may appear white in color. This …
small white bumps on feet | Skin Conditions discussions
2009年7月9日 · very, very small white bumps on tips and sides of fingers. red spots under skin on both legs and top of feet bumps on skin backof arms White Bumps all over millions small red …
Female Genital Bumps, Pimples Or Cysts - SteadyHealth
2021年6月20日 · many small white bumps under skin of labia is it just a pimple on my vagina? One white bump/burning in the genital area... Puss filled bump right next to the actual vagina …
Itching small bumps with seedlike cores leave crater
2012年11月12日 · Bumps with hard core that leaves a crater of a hole and won't heal well. small white bumps on lip and skin. Scab on nipple won't heal? Chronic dermatitis? Boil won't heal …
Causes Of Bumps On Or Around The Anus - SteadyHealth
2020年12月15日 · Small pimple-like bumps below naval Extra skin in the shape of bumps hanging from my anus after hemorrhoid surgery Whitish growths on anus, grow out and have bumpy …
Skin Bumps, Blisters, And Sores In The Pubic, Groin, Or
2020年10月5日 · Psoriasis, a chronic but non-contagious skin disease resulting from excessively rapid skin cell turnover, causes slightly raised, red, scaly patches of skin that can be very …
What Causes Bumps In The Pubic Area? | Skin & Hair
2020年8月18日 · Areas that are commonly affected are the scalp, elbows, knees, back, and buttocks. There is no cure for psoriasis, but treatment may include the use of skin …
Pimple-like Bumps on Penis and Testicles - SteadyHealth
2017年8月17日 · They somehow tend to cause alarm. Skin problems are common, and skin problems on the genitals are no exception. Are pimples on the penis and testicles normal? Yes …
Complications Of Shaving The Pubic Area | Skin & Hair
2020年8月20日 · Razor blades cut hair slightly above the skin surface, so it often happens that hair curls back and penetrates the skin. This is manifested as a rash in the form of red bumps. …
What to Do About Inflammation of the Skin of the Vulva
2020年11月9日 · Lichen planus is a condition that can affect the skin of the vulva, mouth, and other parts of the body that are caused by an overactive immune system. On most of the body, …