Emergency medical teams - World Health Organization (WHO)
The purpose of the Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) initiative is to improve the timeliness and quality of health services provided by national and international Emergency Medical Teams …
EMT global classified teams - World Health Organization (WHO)
EMTs can be deployed as whole (standardized) or separate (modularized) entities to support specific surge requirements based on identified needs and gaps in capacity and capability. …
This book is the result of a long process involving many EMT and emergency response experts who served in different capacities and at different stages of its production. Special thanks go to …
WHO launches the Emergency Medical Teams 2030 Strategy at …
2022年10月4日 · The 5 th EMT Global Meeting is a landmark as it launches the EMT 2030 strategy—the blueprint for the next eight years to continue to develop a network of effective …
Home | EMT - WHO/OMS Extranet Systems
What is an EMT? A group of health professional providing direct clinical care to populations affected by outbreaks and emergencies as surge capacity in supporting the local health system.
Emergency medical teams 2030 strategy - World Health …
World Health Organization. (2023). Emergency medical teams 2030 strategy. World Health Organization. https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/372867.
Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) vision for 2030 in the WHO European Region, supporting Member States in their efforts to ensure that populations affected by health emergencies have …
The aim of this website is to share real-time update information over the Emergency Medical Team Minimum Data Set (MDS). Official information should be confirmed at the WHO EMT …
About Us | EMT - WHO/OMS Extranet Systems
What is an Emergency Medical Team (EMT)? EMTs are groups of health professionals (doctors, nurses, paramedics etc.) that treat patients affected by an emergency or disaster. They come …
Emergencies: Emergency medical teams - World Health Organization …
What is an Emergency Medical Team (EMT)? EMTs are groups of health professionals (doctors, nurses, paramedics etc.) that treat patients affected by an emergency or disaster. They come …