Blindness and vision impairment - World Health Organization …
2023年8月10日 · Globally, at least 2.2 billion people have a near or distance vision impairment. In at least 1 billion of these, vision impairment could have been prevented or is yet to be addressed. The leading causes of vision impairment and blindness at a …
Eye care, vision impairment and blindness - World Health Organization …
2024年7月15日 · Eye conditions that can be targeted effectively with preventive strategies include congenital and acquired eye conditions, myopia, ocular trauma, and ocular infections and inflammations.
WHOeyes - World Health Organization (WHO)
WHOeyes is a free, population-facing mobile software application (an app): provides educational messages on how the individuals can protect their eyes. The principle of WHOeyes is based on how an eye care professional would assess visual acuity using a …
WHOeyes app - UN Mobile Apps
2023年11月15日 · WHOeyes is a free, population-facing mobile software application (an app): provides educational messages on how the individuals can protect their eyes. The principle of WHOeyes is based on how an eye care professional would assess visual acuity using a conventional chart in a clinical setting.
WHOeyes is based on how an eye care professional would assess your vision using a conventional chart in a clinical setting. Download the app here
To address many of the challenges faced in the field of eye care – including inequities in access and lack of integration within the health system – eye care needs to be an integral part of universal health coverage (UHC): all
WHOeyes is suitable for anyone aged over 8 years. Although this test can identify central visual acuity, it is not useful to detect any peripheral visual defects. What is visual acuity? Visual acuity is the most common assessment of visual function. It is a simple, non-invasive measure and critical to determine the presence of vision impairment.
The WHO Eye Care Competency Framework (ECCF) is a tool for workforce planning and development, conveying the expected or aspired performance of the eye care workforce from community to tertiary levels of care. To apply the tool appropriately, first it must be adapted to be suitable to the context.
centred eye care, embedded in health systems and based on strong primary health care, the care model of choice and scale it up widely. People who need eye care must be able to receive high-quality
World Health Organization releases WHOeyes app
Marking the occasion, the World Health Organization Vision and Eye Care Programme has launched WHOeyes, a free app aimed at assessing both near and distance visual acuity. WHOeyes also serves as an education resource delivering valuable insights on eye protection.