The WHO Logo and Emblem - World Health Organization (WHO)
WHO's emblem was chosen by the First World Health Assembly in 1948. The emblem consists of the United Nations symbol surmounted by a staff with a snake coiling round it. The staff with the snake has long been a symbol of medicine and the medical profession.
世卫组织的标识和会徽 - World Health Organization (WHO)
世卫组织会徽系由1948年第一届世界卫生大会选定。 该会徽由联合国标志和一根蛇绕权杖构成。 由蛇盘绕的权杖很久以来一直是医学和医学界的象征。 它起源于阿斯克勒庇俄斯的故事。 阿斯克勒庇俄斯被古希腊人尊为医神,他的信仰与蛇有关。 传说阿斯克勒庇俄斯在拯救生命方面特别成功,以致冥神哈迪斯向至高之神宙斯抱怨他。 宙斯害怕阿斯克勒庇俄斯会使人类永生,于是用雷电杀死了他。 世卫组织的标识由世卫组织会徽及“世界卫生组织”或“世卫组织”字样组成。 保护世界 …
File : World Health Organization Logo.svg - Wikimedia
2024年12月5日 · Deutsch: Das Logo der Weltgesundheitsorganisation. (Englisch) This logo image consists only of simple geometric shapes or text. It does not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection, and is therefore in the public domain. Although it is free of copyright restrictions, this image may still be subject to other restrictions.
World Health Organization Logo
2024年4月17日 · World Health Organization (WHO) Logo PNG. The World Health Organization logo conveys concern for the health of all mankind for the sake of peace and prosperity. The company is on guard against dangerous diseases and takes care of their prevention. The color scheme confirms the globality of the goals conveyed by the emblem.
WHO World Health Organization Logo
Download WHO World Health Organization vector logo in SVG, PDF, Ai and PNG format from Logowik.com Free Download WHO World Health Organization logo vector branding and design files Tags:
File : Logo of the World Health Organization.jpg
2012年3月11日 · Original file (5,616 × 3,744 pixels, file size: 5.22 MB, MIME type: image/jpeg) Public health officials from almost 200 nations are meeting in Geneva May 16-24, trying to devise strategies to address the many health problems that shorten life and diminish its quality for millions of people.
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WHO - What the Logo?
WHO - What the Logo? The image depicts the emblem of the World Health Organization (WHO). The central focus is a stylized Rod of Asclepius, featuring a serpent entwined around a vertical staff, set against a globe map projection with meridians and parallels visible.
What Does the World Health Organization Symbol Mean?
2024年11月29日 · What Does the World Health Organization Symbol Mean? The World Health Organization (WHO) symbol, also known as the emblem, consists of a staff entwined with a serpent and surrounded by a United Nations laurel wreath. The staff with the snake has its origins in Greek mythology, representing Asclepius who was revered as the god of healing.