WHU | Private Business School for Economics & Management
Study for an MBA at a leading business school. From anywhere in the world. Discover local expertise, connect with high-caliber professionals, and explore new markets with the largest and most immersive global Executive EMBA network. Want a new challenge? Develop yourself professionally and personally for your next career step.
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Die WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management ist eine internationale Business School mit Standorten in Vallendar/Koblenz und Düsseldorf in Deutschland.
Programs - WHU
Study for an MBA at a leading business school. From anywhere in the world. Discover local expertise, connect with high-caliber professionals, and explore new markets with the largest …
在德国 WHU 奥拓贝森商学院(WHU-Otto Beisheim School )是 …
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management是一所德国顶尖的私立商学院,EQUIS、AACSB双认证。 它的硕士项目和MBA是在德国比较出名也很有实力的。
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management - Wikipedia
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management is a private German business school with campuses in Vallendar and Düsseldorf, Germany. As of September 2024, there are 2,007 students (including doctoral students) at WHU, about 251 employees and 59 professors (including assistant professors).
德国奥托贝森商学院 | WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
德国奥托贝森商学院(WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management;简称WHU)于1984年在科布伦茨商会的倡议下建校。 1993年,学校收到了来自Otto Beisheim教授(德国麦德龙集团创始人)五千万马克的捐赠。
whu.edu.cn - Wuhan University
Get answers to the most common questions about campus life. Explore exciting career opportunities and join our vibrant academic community. Stay informed about latest policies and regulations....
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management - Top Universities
WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management is an internationally oriented and privately financed business school based in Vallendar and Düsseldorf, Germany. Founded in 1984, WHU is now one of the most renowned German business schools with an exceptional
Admissions-Wuhan University - en.whu.edu.cn
foreign languages, and economics & law, plus one research institute in TCSOL. The school offers an undergraduate program in Chinese Language, a master's program in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of...
集智聚力,共谋发展——学院顺利召开发展战略研讨会 2025-03-17 为深入学习贯彻落实全国两会精神和学校第十次党员代表大会精神,凝聚思想共识,共谋学科发展,我院紧扣学校“深化改革年”发展主题,于3月15日召开发展战略研讨会,学院教职工代表及校内兼职教授参加,会议由院党委 …