阿尔伯特·威斯克 - 百度百科
阿尔伯特·威斯克(Albert Wesker)是生存恐怖类游戏《生化危机》系列的重要反派男性角色之一,曾经是安布雷拉公司的研究员,后来背叛脱离。 与另一位研究员威廉·柏肯是同事,他被公司以卧底的身份派去浣熊市,作为R.P.D.警署的S.T.A.R.S.分队阿尔法的队长,克 ...
Dead By Daylight | Wide Wesker! - YouTube
Dead By Daylight | Wide Wesker!-----My discord: https://discord.gg/XvmB4Awzp4#dbd #d...
Albert Wesker - Resident Evil Wiki
Dr. Albert Wesker (アルバート・ウェスカー?) (c.1960-2009) was an accomplished virologist notorious for his work with groups affiliated with the bio-weapons black market. Originally one of the test subjects in Project W who specialized in biotechnology and bioengineering, Wesker was an elite perfectionist...
阿尔伯特·威斯克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年10月26日 · 阿尔伯特·威斯克 (日语: アルバート・ウェスカー ,英语: Albert Wesker ,香港和台湾译作“亚伯·威斯卡”,台湾又译作“艾柏特·威斯卡”) 是电子游戏系列《生化危机》中虚构的人物 [1] 。
亞伯·威斯卡 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
亞伯·威斯卡 (日語: アルバート・ウェスカー ,英語: Albert Wesker ,中國大陸譯作「阿爾伯特·威斯克」,台灣又譯作「艾柏特·威斯卡」) 是電子遊戲系列《惡靈古堡》中虛構的人物 [1] 。
Albert Wesker - VS Battles Wiki
Albert Wesker is the main antagonist in the Resident Evil series. He was the leader of S.T.A.R.S. while secretly working for Umbrella Corporation as a Researcher. Later working for The 3rd Organization, H.C.F. (Hive/Host Capture Force), TriCell, he …
why does wesker terror radius is bigger than others? is it ... - Reddit
2023年3月17日 · I think they mean nurse and blight, who have high mobility like wesker. They have really loud mapwide sound cues, like blight screaming and nurse screeching when they use their movement options, to warn people when they're coming. Wesker only grunts a little bit, so instead he has a big terror radius to warn people when he's near.
亚丽克丝·威斯克 - 百度百科
艾利克斯·威斯克(Alex Wesker)是日本CAPCOM公司推出的动作冒险类游戏《生化危机》系列的反派角色,在《生化危机5》的DLC首次提及,后来在《生化危机:启示录2》中正式登场。
Albert Wesker - Shipping Wiki
Albert Wesker is a character from the Resident Evil fandom. When Wesker was a child, he was one of 13 other children to partake in Project W, or Wesker Plan. Children born to parents of superior intellect would be taken from their families and …
Albert Wesker | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Albert Wesker is the main antagonist of Capcom’s Resident Evil franchise. He is a high-ranking researcher later one of the commanders of the Umbrella Corporation who also served as a double agent within S.T.A.R.S. as the captain of Alpha Team.