Unified Modeling Language - Wikipedia
The unified modeling language (UML) is a general-purpose visual modeling language that is intended to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system. [1] UML provides a standard notation for many types of diagrams which can be roughly divided into three main groups: behavior diagrams, interaction diagrams, and structure diagrams.
统一建模语言 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
统一建模语言(英語: Unified Modeling Language ,縮寫UML)是非专利的第三代建模和规约语言。UML是一种开放的方法,用于说明、可视化、构建和编写一个正在开发的、面向对象的、软件密集系统的制品的开放方法。
Class diagram - Wikipedia
In software engineering, a class diagram [1] in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects.
統一塑模語言 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
類別圖 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
UML建模時,一個實現(realization)關係是兩個模型元素之間的關係,其中一個模型元素(客戶端)實現的行為,其他模型元素(供應商)指定。 圖形以虛線和空心箭頭來表示。
什么是统一建模语言(UML)? - Visual Paradigm
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Feel free to browse news and articles on UML, success stories, available certification and training, along with the current specifications. UML is OMG's most-used specification, and the way the world models not only application structure, behavior, and architecture, but also business process and data structure.
Unified Modeling Language - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general-purpose, developmental, modeling language in the field of software engineering. UML is used to provide a standard way to show what the design of a system looks like.
List of Unified Modeling Language tools - Wikipedia
Targets real-time or embedded systems and software using industry standard languages (UML, SysML, AUTOSAR, DoDAF, MODAF, UPDM, DDS), full production-quality code generation (structural, behavioral, functional), simulation, model based testing, integration with numerous real time operating systems and IDE's
Component diagram - Wikipedia
In Unified Modeling Language (UML), a component diagram [1] depicts how components are wired together to form larger components or software systems. They are used to illustrate the structure of arbitrarily complex systems.