Willaq Umu - Wikipedia
The Willaq Umu ("priest who recounts", hispanicized spelling Villac Umu) were the High Priests of the Sun in the Inca Empire. [1]: 234 They were usually the brothers of the Sapa Inca (the ruler …
Sumo sacerdote inca - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El Villaq Umu (del quechua: Willaq Umu ‘el que tiene la palabra/consejo’‘sacerdote principal’), era el sumo sacerdote o sacerdote principal del Imperio incaico, llamado Vila Oma por los …
Villac umu | Inca priest | Britannica
The title of the chief priest in Cuzco, who was of noble lineage, was villac umu, a lifetime post. He was married, had power over all shrines and temples, and could appoint and remove priests.
印加神话体系是什么样的? - 知乎
太阳神的大祭司名为“维利亚克·乌穆”(Willaq Umu)。 印加人相信萨帕·印卡为因蒂在地上的儿子。 大祭司在国内拥有第二大权力,他是直接受命于萨帕·印卡,他们之间通常都是兄弟关系。 …
太阳神的大祭司名为“维利亚克·乌穆”(Willaq Umu)。 印加人相信 萨帕·印卡 为因蒂在地上的儿子。 大祭司在国内拥有第二大权力,他是直接受命于 萨帕·印卡,他们之间通常都是兄弟关系。
Inca high priest _ AcademiaLab
The Villaq Umu (from Quechua: Willaq Umu 'the one who has the word/advice''main priest'), was the high priest or chief priest of the Inca Empire, called Vila Oma by the Spanish. There is, …
Huacas and Apus: Sacred Landscapes of the Inca | TheCollector
2024年8月23日 · The Willaq Umu, who was usually assisted by aqllakuna, was responsible for serving Inti, the Inca god of the sun and the most widely revered deity in the Inca pantheon.
印加帝国的政府结构与社会结构是怎么样的? - 知乎
薩帕·印卡 還需要主持重大節日時的慶祝儀式,特別是在「太陽祭」時。 地位僅次於 薩帕·印卡 的是 總祭司 (Willaq-Umu),也被稱為「太陽大祭司」。 次於 薩帕·印卡 地位的還有 印卡普· …
【存档】《欧雁台》剧本原文Apu Ollantay_风闻
2020年9月3日 · 《神将欧雁台》(Apu Ollantay)是秘鲁早期文学中最重要的作品,也是已知最古老的克丘亚语文学作品之一。 此著作早已进入公有领域(或者说,鬼知道原始著作权归谁, …
Willaq Umu Facts for Kids
2023年10月16日 · The Willaq Umu ("priest who recounts", hispanicized spelling Villac Umu) were the High Priests of the Sun in the Inca Empire. They were usually the brothers of the Sapa …